The boys are not alright, with Miriam Cates
In recent years, Western society has conducted a perverse experiment. We have indulged the grievances of almost every identity group, exalting victimhood status and self-flagellating over the sins of the past. There is one glaring exception in the identity politics game. Men (and particularly white men).
A generation of boys have grown up being told that they are toxically masculine and that they must atone for their male privilege. The consequences have been disastrous, and we now have a generation of boys and young men across the West who are genuinely and seriously disadvantaged, and living without hope.
Few are brave enough to discuss this uncomfortable truth. Fortunately Miriam Cates is. Miriam is a former Conservative member of the UK Parliament, and is now a GB News Host and a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Social Justice, where she is spearheading the ‘Lost Boys’ initiative, a major new research project that seeks to understand what is going wrong for boys and men, and how to fix it.
Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here.
Read The Spectator Australia here.
Learn more about the Lost Boys project here.