DiscoverShe gets SIT doneThe most important thing in dog training with Larry Krohn - She Gets Sit Done EP 11
The most important thing in dog training with Larry Krohn - She Gets Sit Done EP 11

The most important thing in dog training with Larry Krohn - She Gets Sit Done EP 11

Update: 2024-06-04


Join us as we sit down with renowned dog trainer Larry Krohn to discuss the most important aspect of dog training. In this episode of She Gets SIT done, we dive into the most important thing in dog training: Teaching YOU. The human effectively. Tune in now to learn from the best in the business!

Larry is a leader in the dog training world and is the owner and dog trainer of Pak Masters in Kentucky, USA. Larry is a retired federal agent and first started his dog training business after helping so many people with their dogs who had previously worked with other trainers and unfortunately saw no results. Larry has successfully helped hundreds of dogs, especially aggressive cases who would have been euthanised. He believes any dog can be trained. Make sure to check out his YT channel if you haven't done so already!

He has also released a brand new ecollar training course which you can find here:

And his book that has helped thousands before you can find here:

Questions we cover:

1. The ecollar has a lot of stigma around it and its purpose. When people go online they will find a lot of big NO NO’s for the ecollar. Would you be able to explain why the ecollar is a useful and safe/dog friendly tool for those who are not familiar with the tool, or are still unsure about it?

2. What situations would you recommend the ecollar would be a great option to utilise for training? Is it suitable for all breeds and ages? And when would you NOT use an eocllar?

3. I believe a lot of dog owners think dog training happens in a vacuum. Like a 10 min training session. Or the 30 minute walk. One of the things you often mention is that training happens all day and isn’t bound to just training sessions. Are you able to explain this?

4. When you work with dogs with (or without) behaviour problems, would you say that teaching the owner the right skills is just as important, if not MORE important, than teaching the dog?

5. You mention that teaching strong foundations is so important for dog owners. What skills would you say are part of those strong foundations for a dog and owner to know and possibly avoid future issues?

6. You just released a new e-collar training course. You want to tell us what it’s about and who it’s for?

About US:
Toni - Toni is a dog trainer and pack walker from Auckland. She has over 10 years handling experience with a range of different dogs and breeds. Toni met Sanne through their mentorship with world renowned dog trainer Tyler Muto. Toni is passionate about helping owners have a better relationship with their dogs, and particularly enjoys working with dogs with reactivity.FB:
IG: / @urban_wolvesnz

Sanne - Originally from the Netherlands and after living in several countries met Toni in New Zealand! Trained as a primary school teacher and was in that profession for 10 years, eventually made the switch to full time dog training 5 years ago. Now residing in Auckland, New Zealand. Specialises in pet dog training (loose lead walking & leash reactivity) & group classes.
IG: / @thecompletek9

Want to train with us? You can! Send us a message on FB/IG/Email and we’ll get back to you asap. We can train with you in person, over zoom or through one of our online courses!
Have questions, make sure to comment or email us at

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The most important thing in dog training with Larry Krohn - She Gets Sit Done EP 11

The most important thing in dog training with Larry Krohn - She Gets Sit Done EP 11

She gets SIT done