Three Myths of Meditation Busted
Today we’ll bust the three myths of meditation; I’ll share my three favorite types; and I'll reveal the kind of meditation that's best for your health. Plus, stick around for a bonus at the end!
Think of a person that has such a deep peace in their spirit, you feel calmer just by being around them. Finding that calmness is something I’ve been working on lately. If you're interested in meditation to help you find this kind of peace but you still have questions, then it's time to find out what’s keeping you from having meditation in your life.
00:02:34 Myth #1 It’s not going to work for me.There are many types of meditation out there; the important thing is to find one that syncs with your background. The best meditation for you is the one that you want to come back to, day after day. The most important thing to remember is Don’t Give Up. Everyone’s mind wanders during meditation, just bring your focus back to your breathing and you’ll see the results in time.
00:03:40 Myth #2 There’s no time; there’s no place. Meditation isn’t defined by a place, a pose or a practice. It can be as simple as just focusing on having a steady, slow breath for a few moments in the middle of a hectic day. There are many ways to gain this peace and calmness in your life, but my favorites have always been walking meditation, controlled breathing and scripture meditation. If you would be interested in finding out more about my podcast on scripture meditation, go to Resting In The Word.
00:06:00 self-practice controlled breathing
00:07:32 Myth #3 You can’t prove it works. Scientific studies have proven that meditation helps to reduce anxiety and depression, heart disease and diabetes, improves sleep, aids your immune system, and read more