Thrush and breastfeeding with Dr Naomi Dow
Thrush in a breastfeeding dyad has commonly been diagnosed as a response to pain, but my guest today is a part of an important global conversation asking us to look at the evidence more closely. I’m delighted to be joined by Dr Naomi Dow, GP and IBCLC to talk about her work to better understand what is going on, and reduce the over-diagnosis of nipple and breast thrush.
In this episode we discuss the causes of nipple and breast pain, wounds and discolouration, including dermatitis, poor wound management, and physiological conditions. Naomi explains how the symptoms of thrush have often been confused with other things, or even caused by the very things which are supposed to help with nipple pain. We talk about how we can communicate the new messages and what needs to happen next.
Dr Naomi Dow is @dr_naomidow_ibclc on instagram
My latest book, ‘Supporting the Transition from Breastfeeding: a Guide to Weaning for Professionals, Supporters and Parents’, is out now.
You can get 10% off the book at the Jessica Kingsley press website, that's using the code MMPE10 at checkout.
Follow me on Twitter @MakesMilk and on Instagram @emmapickettibclc or find out more on my website
Resources mentioned -
Dr Katrina Mitchell’s resource:
Physician Guide to Breastfeeding for Parents, Physicians, Lactation Consultants, Doulas
IABLE website
The Role of Host and Fungal Factors in the Commensal-to-Pathogen Transition of Candida albicans - a paper discussing the mechanisms by which Candida changes from commensal to pathogen
Mammary candidiasis: A medical condition without scientific evidence? - the Jiminez et al paper - one of the key pieces of evidence we have that demonstrates that Candida is not the cause of nipple/breast pain
NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic - study looking at alternative explanations for breast/nipple pain
This podcast is presented by Emma Pickett IBCLC, and produced by Emily Crosby Media.