Tips for Wintering Pastured Laying Hens
Laying Hens:
At Seven Sons, we believe in creating healthy environments for our animals so that they can live happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. In today’s episode, Bruce (the 6th son) will share his experience with raising laying hens during the harsh Indiana winters and what the transition from season to season looks like.
#1 Make their environment as familiar as possible to avoid stress.
#2 Allow at least 3sq ft. per bird in a winterized greenhouse to encourage a higher lay rate during the colder months (75-80%).
#3 Incorporate a circulating water system using a geothermal pump to avoid freezing pipelines.
#4 Add wood chips every day to keep bedding as dry as possible.
#5 Use exhaust fans & rollup walls to avoid high humidity within the greenhouse to keep it warm and dry, as well as allow birds access to fresh pastures year round.
#7 Solar greenhouses typically keep the environment warm enough to keep eggs from freezing.