Too Lazy to Read the Paper: Episode 3 with Dirk Brockmann
Via the response to the first couple of episodes I realized that not only my science-friends listen to the podcast, but many other people.
So while I want to keep this part short, I should probably provide a short intro to present the interview subject.
Today’s guest is Dirk Brockmann.
Dirk is a physicist and complex systems researcher. He’s a professor at the Department of Biology, Humboldt University of Berlin and the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin. Berfore returning to his native Germany, he was a professor at Northwestern University.
He’s a man of many talents. His academic work spans pioneering papers on human mobility and has also pioneered work on its connection to Infectious Disease Dynamics (there’s a super nice paper developing the idea of effective distance in Science a few years ago, but also many more). But that’s not all, he has many other papers, to give you a sense, he has a recent one on social networks of honey bees. Read all about him and his amazing group of researchers here:
Finally Dirk has been a crucial voice of reason during the COVID-19 … dare I say becoming a bit of a celebrity in his native lands … all the while also making important scientific contributions on a number of aspects related to the epidemic.
Now. Dirk is also a rebel, so he decided to rebel against the “rules” of the podcast. And submitted a paper to me that wasn’t even his own work. But experience tells me, that unexpected paths are often the best ones, so I decided to roll with it. And it sure was worth it.
In the podcast, we talk about a review paper by Ilana Zilber-Rosenberg and Eugene Rosenberg concerning the “hologenome theory of evolution” (1). And it was glorious! Relentlessly and methodically, Dirk took me into an amazing world of little creatures I knew little about. And I also detected a beautiful political undercurrent, in this story of life and evolution as a massive collaborative and mutually supporting endeavor.
Check out his hand-drawn illustrations here:
If you love science and discovery, this podcast is for you
[0:00:00 ] Intro by Sune
[0:04:08 ] We talk about headphone settings and friendship.
[0:08:50 ] Why is Dirk a scientist?
[0:12:40 ] Patterns in Biology.
[0:16:15 ] Origin story. An anti-arrogance view of the world.
[0:25:10 ] We get started talking about the paper. The hologenome.
[0:33:33 ] An evolutionary theory that goes beyond the individual; beyond the concept of the species. It's about collaboration.
[0:43:00 ] Meddling with Nature.
[0:55:22 ] What about variability?
[0:59:30 ] The collaborating Aphid.
[1:03:10 ] The "Ship of Theseus" and adaptability
[1:15:16 ] The invisible Squid; too complex to be intelligent design.
[1:19:20 ] One more thing.
The podcast has theme music by Waylon Thornton. Songs are "American Heart" and "Seven". Via and licenced under CC BY-NC-SA. The podcast was funded in part by the Villum Foundation.