DiscoverLow Tide Boyz, a Swimrun PodcastTorpedo Swimrun w/Rich McMartin
Torpedo Swimrun w/Rich McMartin

Torpedo Swimrun w/Rich McMartin

Update: 2024-10-31


Welcome to episode 252 of the Löw Tide Böyz - A Swimrun Podcast!

Happy Halloween everybody! We’ve got a great show for everyone this week. Joining us from Cape Town, South Africa is Rich McMartin, founder of Torpedo Swimrun and host of the first Swimrun in Africa. The 2024 edition of this Swimrun is taking place on November 30th and we got all the details about the “coldest/coolest race in Africa. This was a great conversation and it’s more proof that the international Swimrun movement is alive and well!

But first…

Training/Chipper’s Knee Update

Chipper is back to running and is “not being an idiot” with his recovery. 


This week’s shoutout goes to everyone racing ÖTILLÖ Austin this weekend. If you’re waiting for the last minute to sign up, well now is your time to shine! Use the code LOWTIDE15 to save 15% off of your registration.

Feats of Endurance

This week’s winner goes to Swimrunner and friend of show Jonathan Pascual for completing the Ironman World Championship in Kona over the weekend. In 2022, he was diagnosed with a rare and incurable form of cancer and never stopped fighting. Fast forward two years and he was able to train to complete one of the hardest triathlons on the planet. To call him an inspiration is an understatement!

Make sure to sign up for our LTBz Strava Club and join Swimrunners from around the world as they train for stuff.

Torpedo Swimrun

It was great to chat with Rich McMartin. We really hit it off and chatted about all sorts of stuff including his Rockman experience, hanging out with Michael Lemmel on Utö, and of course, we spoke at length about his Swimrun. 

With that, let’s get to our conversation with Rich McMartin of Torpedo Swimrun.



That’s it for this week’s show. 

If you are enjoying the Löw Tide Böyz, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player and leave us a five-star rating and review since that’s the best way for people to discover the show and the sport of Swimrun. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and on YouTube. Check out our website for Swimrun resources including gear guides, tips, how-to videos and so much more. Also make sure to check out our meme page @thelowtideboyz on Instagram. If you have any suggestions for the show or questions for us, send us a dm or an email at Finally, you can support our efforts on Patreon…if you feel so inclined.

Thanks for listening and see you out there!

-  Chip and Chris









Sleep Timer


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Torpedo Swimrun w/Rich McMartin

Torpedo Swimrun w/Rich McMartin

Rich McMartin, Chipper Nicodemus, Chris Douglas