Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, Pres. Trump, Mark Dice. Unemployed Lefties Forming Online Mobs, Demoncrats Register Illegals to Vote, The 4 Year Anniversary of J6, White Slavery, Homeschooling.
Tucker Carlson, Steven Crowder, Pres. Trump, Mark Dice. Unemployed Lefties Forming Online Mobs, Demoncrats Register Illegals to Vote, The 4 Year Anniversary of J6, White Slavery, Homeschooling.
- Mark Dice- Unemployed Lefties Forming Online Mobs
- Demoncrats Register Illegals to Vote
- The Climate Scam is a hoax
- 4 year anniversary of J6 of what our government did to innocent civilians, the MAGA movement and President Trump.
- TRUTH about the White Slave Trade - Forgotten History
- Steven Crowder- DEBUNKED: Biggest Myths About Homeschool
It's Come Down To This
1.91M subscribers
227,357 views Dec 30, 2024
🚨 Order my book "The War on Conservatives" from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/40vEC9U ⚡️ Join my exclusive Locals community here: https://markdice.locals.com/support 🎥 Sponsor me through Patreon here: / markdice Order my book "Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture" from Amazon: https://amzn.to/30xPFl5 or download the e-book from Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, or Nook. 📖 Order my book, "The True Story of Fake News" ➡️ https://amzn.to/2Zb1Vps 📖 Order my book "The Liberal Media Industrial Complex" here: https://amzn.to/2X5oGKx Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of "Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor's degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017). He has been featured on Fox News, Newsmax, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world. This video description and the pinned comment contains Amazon and/or other affiliate links, which means if you click them and purchase the product(s), Mark will receive a small commission.
Demoncrats Register Illegals to Vote
President-elect Donald Trump: "One of the most urgent tasks... is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax." "The radical left's fearmongering about climate and our future is... destroying America's economy, weakening our society, and eviscerating our middle class. It's really hurting us." "Conservative leaders, think tanks and intellectuals must be fearless in calling out the lunacy of what you're seeing, and what you're being led into. The world is not ending." "We have to defeat the climate hoaxsters once and for all." Do you agree or disagree with Trump on this?
“NO ONE has EVER shown that Human emissions of Carbon Dioxide drive Global Warming” That’s because Trump is correct - The Climate Scam is a hoax designed to exert total control over every single Co2 omitting organism & process on the entire planet.
Just a reminder as we come up to the 4 year anniversary of J6 of what our government did to innocent civilians, the MAGA movement and President Trump. It was a planned and orchestrated event and Nancy Pelosi helped spearhead it.Prove me wrong.
TRUTH about the White Slave Trade - Forgotten History
604K subscribers
2,559,276 views Dec 2, 2022
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DEBUNKED: Biggest Myths About Homeschool
Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/1S05yjywmxM?si=QNrAZ_vQcODYAPWl
1.26M subscribers
38,981 views Dec 30, 2024
We're here to bust the myths. Homeschooling is NOT out of reach. You CAN homeschool your kids. In fact, you SHOULD homeschool your kids. Here's several reasons why. Click here for today's sources: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sou... Click here for Crowder Shop: <a href='https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW5JdGZ2ZjF3WnljcG1BUUxGY19aYkNCSTNzZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttWUhWYnJaaDhidC1VUzBzZnFqbTl3WUFqZS00SFpaU