Tucker Carlson and Dave Ramsey
Recently Tucker Carlson interviewed Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is a well known name in personal finance. I listened to the interview, I was impressed.
Dave has a large personality and although we disagree with him strongly on certain points especially, life insurance and money management, he can be a good wake up call for people who are living in the bondage of debt, spending more money than they make and not getting ahead financially in life.
We have helped many people who first started with Dave Ramsey to get in control of their financial lives.
Dave Ramsey will probably never understand Whole life insurance and the power of the Infinite Banking Concept, but he does help people who are in bad financial shape get control of their situation.
Once someone is in control of their financial life, we hope they will continue to learn and grow, become better money managers and start a legacy of financial freedom in their family.