Two Tickets to the Leg Show
LOST: One man's leg. Used
That's exactly the sort of thing we haven't heard as a loose limb has turned up on Main Street last night. And Alleyway Steve has been quick to capitalize on the situation turning it into Fakahatchee Florida's newest tourist attraction. Have you seen the leg? Horace Wexler wants to know!
Let's hear from you, Fakahatchee!
nightdrivefm (at) gmail (dot) com
And keep up to date on all the local news at
A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode ear-worthy: Evan Gaustad, CJ Meeks and Ron Babcock as well as all of our Lightning Callers.
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Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month.