Tyranny of Dragons 3. Floating Just Around the Riverbend
Having gained the trust of Greenest’s mayor, our heroes have a new job: find out what the cultists are doing down at the mill, and keep it from being destroyed. But getting inside undetected is easier said than done.
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Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: ICastFireball2020@gmail.com
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Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!