UR Podcast #017: Fighting Lyme
We've long said it as part of the podcast series - everyone has a story.
This edition is our story.
It's a journey that's taken four years, countless doctors, specialists, consultants, neurologists, chiropractors, pharmacists, friends, family and more to get from the summer of 2017 to 2021 where we started with a possible case of vertigo for Andy that transpired to be Chronic Lyme Disease and in the process transformed our daily lives.
As a preface to this month's podcast, we know there are people out there that are dealing with far worse conditions and experiences.
We're also aware that there are people out there going through exactly what we've experienced - the highs and lows, more bad days than good, the hope and frustration, the lack of answers and clarity, the self-doubt, crippling fatigue, brain fog and the everything else that a disease with such a crazy range of symptoms can bring about.
For Andy, it spelt forced retirement from a professional MMA career, for us as a family it's meant dealing and adjusting with all of the above while we continue to nurture and grow our own family, the business and super community that has become Urban Gym, changes in diet, creating new habits and learning to put health and well-being to the fore.
Some people have been privy to the roller coaster of the last four years and others - including some of our closest friends and colleagues - have had no idea. If in telling our story in more detail we can help others in a similar situation, we'll be delighted.
And we're delighted to be able to help, answer any questions, trade voice notes, share names and resources, just ask. Our inbox is always open, reach out on Facebook, YouTube, email info@urbangym.ie and when things open up again, swing by our 'Happy Place' - Urban Gym HQ - even if it's for a coffee and a chat.
Because sometimes in life, just being able to get out for a coffee and chat can be the hardest thing in the world.