DiscoverMaster Your MarriageUnderstanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes
Understanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes

Understanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes

Update: 2024-06-26


Dr. Allen Holmes of Biosymmetry ( discusses male hormones and the effects of aging on testosterone levels. He explains that as men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, decreased libido, and reduced motivation. However, he emphasizes that low testosterone is not just a normal part of aging and can be treated. Dr. Holmes discusses the different methods of testosterone supplementation, including pellets, injections, and creams, and highlights the importance of individualized treatment based on symptoms and lab results. He also addresses common concerns and misconceptions about testosterone, such as its impact on prostate health and the risk of side effects.


  • Low testosterone is not just a normal part of aging and can be treated.
  • Testosterone supplementation can help improve symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, decreased libido, and reduced motivation.
  • Treatment options include pellets, injections, and creams, and the choice depends on individual needs and preferences.
  • Monitoring testosterone levels and adjusting treatment based on symptoms and lab results is important for optimal results.
  • Concerns about testosterone's impact on prostate health and the risk of side effects are often based on outdated or incomplete information.


00:00 Introduction and Dr. Allen Holmes' Background

02:10 Understanding Male Hormones and Aging

06:19 Different Terms for Male Hormone Changes

09:02 Recognizing Symptoms of Low Testosterone

14:44 Debunking Myths: Testosterone and Prostate Health

22:58 Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

36:26 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone

41:17 Conclusion and Contact Information









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Understanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes

Understanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes

Sharla and Robert Snow