DiscoverPermission to Kick AssUnf*cking your mind and your business with Stacy Raske
Unf*cking your mind and your business with Stacy Raske

Unf*cking your mind and your business with Stacy Raske

Update: 2024-07-10


Today I'm joined by the incredible Stacy Raske for a deep dive into quite possibly one of my fave topics: mind and business unfuckery. Stacy is a leadership expert and professional speaker, and as an Iraq war veteran, she knows a thing or two about staying sharp under pressure. We cover why you need to manage your energy instead of your time, how to embrace your inner critic, and how to create more leverage in your business. And if you're at the "burn it all down" stage of business, I think you'll get a lot out of this one. 

Can't-miss moments:

  • Feeling stuck, and like you want to burn it all down? Stacy shares a powerful exercise that can jolt you out of “survival brain” mode (and it's surprisingly easy to do, any time, anywhere)...

  • Zone of genius vs your superpower: if you love doing the work but find yourself low on energy, you might not actually be working in your genius zone. Stacy reveals how to tell the difference (and how to get yourself back on track)...

  • "Fake it until you make it" advice has gone completely off the rails! Stacy and I agree: stop pretending like you’ve done shit you haven’t just to impress potential clients. Here’s what to do instead...

  • You know you don’t actually HAVE to take Zoom meetings? Here’s a shockingly obvious substitute Stacy uses to help keep her energy high... 

  • The myth of "I'll do it when..." is keeping you safe AND keeping you stuck. Stacy shares a cautionary tale on what happens when you allow your fears to drive the bus for you... 

Stacy's bio:

Stacy Raske is a bestselling author, professional speaker, and Iraq War Veteran specializing in leadership and performance optimization, executive and mindset coaching, and business and brand strategy to help you BE the leader you’d be inspired to follow. She helps you take control of your mindset, energy, and time, and master your focus to succeed and impact more by doing less. Her expertise in system and process automation, combined with her extensive life and leadership experience, enables her to offer a unique perspective and practical tools for rapid results.

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Unf*cking your mind and your business with Stacy Raske

Unf*cking your mind and your business with Stacy Raske

Angie Colee