Unfair ID: Digital Identity from Injustice to Resistance
Digital identity, meaning the conversion of human identities into digital data, is often hailed as a route to benefits from the public and private sectors. At the same time, a different reality confronts this orthodoxy: vast empirical evidence exists on the harmful outcomes of digital identity, ranging from exclusion of entitled individuals from essential services to perilous forms of policing and profiling. In this episode, a crossover with IS Digest hosted by Casandra Grundstrom, Silvia Masiero turns from host to interviewee, discussing with Tejas and Casandra her newly launched book Unfair ID. The conversation opens up multiple ways to turn the unfairness of digital ID into proactive routes to collectively imagine how a fair ID can be built.
Silvia Masiero, co-host of this podcast, is an associate professor of Information Systems at the University of Oslo. She is the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology for Development and the Chair of the IFIP 9.4 Working Group on the Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development. Unfair ID is her first book.
Unfair ID is available now at https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/unfair-id/book285008
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