DiscoverThe Red Light ReportUpdates & New Perspectives in the Worlds of Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy w/ Dr. Praveen Arany
Updates & New Perspectives in the Worlds of Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy w/ Dr. Praveen Arany

Updates & New Perspectives in the Worlds of Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy w/ Dr. Praveen Arany

Update: 2024-11-07


One of my favorite guests that I have the pleasure of speaking with all year is Dr. Praveen Arany. This episode now makes it three years running that he has jumped on the podcast to have a highly informative conversation centered around photobiomodulation (PBM). Being one of the most respected researchers and worldwide experts in the PBM field, these episodes with Dr. Arany are always gems. They feel like we (the audience) are receiving the combination of some tantalizing scuttlebutt from the PBM world while also having some FAQs and concepts clarified, which I've been accruing over the past year since our last conversation.

During today's conversation, Dr. Arany provides his insight and perspective on the PBM Conference that took place in London back in late August. We also cover an array of red light therapy topics (i.e., PBM), such as the importance of correct dosage when carrying out treatments, clarification on the issue surrounding sauna use with PBM, the role of various color and wavelengths, blue light and its  biological impact and use cases in PBM, red light therapy's potential use for seasonal affective disorder, how PBM can affect oral health and much more!

Dr. Praveen Arany is trained as a dentist and an oral pathologist. He completed a joint PhD-Residency program at Harvard University as a Harvard Presidential Scholar. He has two certificates in clinical translational research from Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Health. He has over 100 scientific publications with several well cited papers to his credit. A complete list of his publications on Pubmed is available here. He is a recipient of numerous awards and has been invited to speak in various national and international forums, reviews for over 50 scientific journals, serves on 9 journal editorial boards.

If you found the information in today's episode with Dr. Arany particularly interesting and/or compelling, please share it with a family member, friend, colleague and/or anyone that you think could benefit and be illuminated by this knowledge. Sharing is caring :)

As always, light up your health!

Where to learn more from and about Dr. Praveen Arany:

Instagram - @praveenarany
Buffalo University Website

LinkedIn - Praveen Arany
UB Foundation
(help photobiomodulation research grow!


Other episodes with Dr. Arany:

Photobiomodulation Research & Proper Dosing w/ Dr. Praveen Arany

Illuminating the Nuances of Red Light Therapy w/ Researcher Dr. Praveen Arany

Key Points

[00:00 ] - Introduction to Red Light Therapy 
[01:05 ] - Overview of Photobiomodulation (PBM) and FDA Recognition 
[02:34 ] - Light Therapy Types Explained 
[04:06 ] - Therapeutic Benefits of PBM 
[05:01 ] - PBM Conference Insights 
[07:49 ] - PBM Membership Benefits and Resources 
[09:01 ] - PBM Device Dosage Concerns 
[10:20 ] - Importance of Correct Dosage in PBM 
[12:09 ] - Differentiating PBM from Infrared Sauna Use 
[13:39 ] - PBM for Anti-Aging and Deeper Tissue Treatment 
[16:35 ] - The Role of Light Color and Wavelengths in PBM 
[17:59 ] - Effects of Heat on PBM Efficacy 
[20:48 ] PBM Treatment Limits 
[21:10 ] PBM vs. Infrared Sauna 
[21:57 ] Wavelengths and Depth of Penetration 
[22:44 ] Blue Light and Skin Penetration 
[24:59 ] Definition of PBM 
[25:51 ] Effective PBM Range and New Research 
[27:00 ] Depth of Penetration by Wavelength 
[28:16 ] Blue Light in PBM Devices 
[29:17 ] Blue Light and Circadian Rhythm 
[31:54 ] Combining Light Wavelengths 
[34:08 ] Sunlight vs. PBM Dosing 
[36:58 ] Red Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder 
[38:29 ] Exploring Other Wavelengths 
[39:53 ] Personalized Wavelength Dosing 
[40:53 ] Latest Cancer-Related PBM Research
[42:00 ] Mechanisms Behind Tumor Cell Response to PBM 
[44:17 ] Photodynamic Therapy and PBM 
[47:26 ] Application of Photodynamic Therapy in Dentistry 
[49:17 ] Systemic Use of Methylene Blue with PBM 
[53:06 ] PBM for Oral Health and Pain Management 
[57:34 ] Light Treatments for Cavities and Enamel Erosion 
[59:09 ] Challenges and Future of PBM Field 
[1:00:46 ] Educating the Public on PBM Benefits 
[1:01:36 ] National and International PBM Standards 
[1:01:52 ] Importance of Dosage in PBM 
[1:03:00 ] PBM for Diverse Conditions 
[1:04:11 ] Need for Tailored Dosing 
[1:04:55 ] Standardizing PBM Protocols 
[1:05:27 ] Data Collection for PBM Use Cases 
[1:06:45 ] Need for Public Support and Resources 
[1:08:05 ] The Future of PBM 
[1:09:09 ] Closing Thoughts on PBM Standardization 
[1:10:36 ] Upcoming PBM Conference 
Pre-Black Friday Sale! Nov. 8th - Nov. 11th
20% off all red light therapy products! Discount code: preBF20
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Dr. Mike's #1 recommendations:


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End of Episode

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Updates & New Perspectives in the Worlds of Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy w/ Dr. Praveen Arany

Updates & New Perspectives in the Worlds of Photobiomodulation & Red Light Therapy w/ Dr. Praveen Arany

Dr. Mike Belkowski