Uprooting Gender Binaries
When it comes to gender binaries, there’s a lot of digging to do to get to the root of our problems. And while there are a lot of ways to uproot a plant-- it really depends on how much it’s grown, how tightly its roots are wound, how far its system has spread and embedded its tendrils into the ground-- that determines how challenging it is to get it out.
Nick Albritton, a transgender man and outdoorsperson, spends a good deal of time unpacking specific ways he’s seen gender binaries show up all throughout his life, and the damage they can do-- especially to transgender folks and those who are gender nonbinary. He also shares about the way nature has quite literally saved his life and helped give him the space he needs to dig deeper into what it means to truly be himself.
Featured in this Episode:
Nick Albritton
- Instagram: @boyrevelry
- Read this post from Nick about desire, trans identity, and cis norms
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Hosted and produced by Laura Borichevsky.
Cover artwork by Hailey Hirst.
Music by The Wild Wild and UTAH, licensed via MusicBed.