Using Food As Medicine To Lower Inflammation With Holistic Nutritionist Stephanie Bernard
This week we sit down with Stephanie Bernanrd, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, non-toxic living consultant and wellness writer based in Atlanta, Georgia. After a Lupus diagnosis in 2010, Stephanie sought out a plant-based and holistic lifestyle to improve her health and quality of life. As a result, she has been med-free and symptom free for 9 years.
- How to look for signs of an unhealthy gut
- What food cravings really mean
- How to track what you are eating and how that makes you feel
- Finding your trigger foods
- The importance of identifying vitamin deficiencies
You can find Stephanie at Healthy Hair To Toe in Atlanta, GA
Instagram @healthyhairtotoe
Instagram @the.wholistic.healer
Yo This Cant Be Life Podcast - Instagram @yothiscantbelife
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Stephanie founded her platform, Healthy Hair To Toe, to encourage and educate
others in their healing health journey. Her holistic nutrition counseling practice,
Wholistic Healing Services, specializes in providing holistic nutrition counseling,
education and holistic health guidance for various conditions and backgrounds.