Utilizing your salon business partner with Bil Neal
For Bil Neal, being a salon sales consultant isn't about pushing product. It's about building relationships and growing small businesses. Bil Neal is a salon business partner (SBC) with SalonCentric, a division of L'Oréal USA, working with Summit salons and other salon companies in southern Ohio. Want to try out a new product without commiting? Call Bil. Want education for your stylists? Bil can set you up with an expert. Planning out your promotions for the year? Bil's your guy. And he's one of 400 SBCs working for SalonCentric across the United States who offer these services -- which often go underutilized in the industry.
Listen for a lively discussion with Bil and host Blake about all that, plus how to earn commissions on products beyond in-salon sales!
Follow Bil on Instagram @bil.neal.
Follow Summit Salon Business Center on Instagram @SummitSalon, and on TikTok at SummitSalon.
SUMM IT UP is now on YouTube! Watch extended cuts of our interviews at www.youtube.com/@summitunlocked
Find host Blake Reed Evans on Instagram @BlakeReedEvans and on TikTok at blakereedevans. His DM's are always open! You can email Blake at bevans@summitsalon.com.
Visit us at SummitSalon.com to connect with others in the industry.