DiscoverX22 ReportWarning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top – Ep. 3536
Warning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top – Ep. 3536

Warning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top – Ep. 3536

Update: 2024-12-31


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<figure id="attachment_24461" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-24461" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignleft">Warning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top<figcaption id="caption-attachment-24461" class="wp-caption-text">Click On Picture To See Larger Picture</figcaption></figure>

The people are pushing back against the green new scam, Italy has banned ground mounted solar panels. Biden bans oil, gas drilling in Nevada. Credit card defaults are way up. The Treasury was hacked, the [CB] preparing to bring the system down. It’s time to end the endless. The [DS] is now setting everything up to bring war, they are building friction in Europe and Ukraine. China is about to make a move on Taiwan. Trump sends a warning to the Senate. Be prepared for tricks by the [DS]. They will push back on the nominees, they will do everything possible to make sure they are not confirmed. Trump nomimated someone new to direct every agency but one. Trump controls the Top.


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Biden Regime Declares War on Energy Independence: Bans Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Development in Nevada’s Ruby Mountain for 20 Years — Mining Exempted 

  • The Biden regime announced   that it will bar oil, gas, and geothermal development in northeastern Nevada’s Ruby Mountains for the next 20 years.

  • This sweeping restriction covers an estimated 264,000 acres of federal land and effectively halts new energy exploration in the region.

  • Under the guise of environmental stewardship, the regime claims the move is in response to requests from Native American tribes, conservationists, and outdoor sports enthusiasts.

  • But critics argue this is another clear example of Biden’s commitment to strangling domestic energy production in favor of appeasing radical environmentalist groups.

  • The regime’s proposal begins a 90-day public comment period and triggers a two-year moratorium on new oil, gas, and geothermal leases in the area.

  • The lands will remain accessible for mining activities, leading some to question the consistency of the regime’s environmental policies.

More from Reuters:


  • Administrative Reversal: A future administration could choose to reverse or modify this decision. For example, President-elect Donald Trump, set to take office, has expressed intentions to ramp up domestic oil and gas production. This could mean rescinding or altering the withdrawal order if he chooses to do so upon taking office.

  • Legal Challenges: The decision could face legal challenges from industry groups or others who oppose the restriction. If successful, these challenges could lead to the decision being overturned or modified by court order. However, given the current legal framework, such challenges would need to navigate environmental laws and public interest considerations.

 . Bottom-income consumers were hit the hardest due to years of elevated inflation and interest rates. Additionally, the savings rate of the bottom third is now 0%, according to Moody’s. The credit card debt bubble is popping.

DRILL BABY DRILL! Gas Prices Expected to Fall Further in 2025 – Trump Aiming For Under $2 a Gallon

<iframe loading="lazy" class="wp-embedded-content" title="“FOUR YEARS OF PAIN: Price of a Gallon of Gas Today is DOUBLE What It was 4 Years Ago Under Trump” — The Gateway Pundit" src="" width="600" height="511" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-scripts" data-secret="peDz4kuV06" data-mce-fragment="1"></iframe>

  • At a speech back in September, Trump announced his intention to “get gasoline below $2 a gallon,” although De Haan believes this goal is overly ambitious.


U.S. Treasury Department Allegedly Hacked in Cyber Attack Launched by China

  • The Biden regime claimed today that an actor from our nation’s most formidable foreign adversary hacked the Treasury Department and gained access to workstations of government employees and unclassified documents.

  • “Based on available indicators, the incident has been attributed to a China state-sponsored Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actor.”

  • The letter states that a third-party software service company, BeyondTrust, informed the Treasury Department on December 8th that the ‘Chinese’ hacker had acquired a security key to infiltrate specific Treasury workstations and documents remotely.

  • The Treasury Department went on to claim that it had partnered with the F.B.I., the intelligence community, and other investigators to determine the impact of the breach. The compromised service had been taken offline.

  • If one believes the regime, there is reportedly no evidence that the Chinese state actor still has access to Treasury materials.




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Warning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top – Ep. 3536

Warning Sent,Trump Nominated Someone New To Direct Each Agency But One.He Controls The Top – Ep. 3536

X22 Report