Water on Our Doorstep
Humans are now officially an urban species, with over half of us living in cities. But how are urban centres and wetlands intertwined? And why should we continue to strive for a closer connection with the water on our doorstep? We travel to London Wetland Centre, in the shadow of Heathrow Airport, to find out what impact these small but vital pockets of wetland have on our collective health.
Featuring Kwesia (City Girl in Nature), Beth Collier (psychotherapist, Wild in The City), Nick Oliver (Engagement Manager, WWT) and Tom Ash (Policy and Advocacy Officer, WWT). Presented by Roxy Furman.
If listening to this podcast inspires you to take action for wetlands then please do join our campaign! Search 'Wetlands Can' to find out more and sign our pledge here.
Waterlands is a series brought to you by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. It’s an 18Sixty production, and the producer is Eliza Lomas.