Ways To Deal With Anxiety - Breathe!
Ways To Deal With Anxiety - Breathe!
There are all sorts of theories about how to deal with stress. Some ways have you working through tension by letting your anguish out. A new study shows that actually holding the stress in and rolling through the punches may be the way to go. On this show Dr. B. brings onboard Tony Major, a personal wellness coach and healer to demonstrate a few breathing exercises that are the perfect go to's when life hits you with a curve ball and you need a way to come safely off the ledge.
Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break down issues and problems from a mental health perspective. From the incessant stresses of the pandemic to untangling relationship problems, Dr. B's years of experience help piece together the messiest of life's problems.