We All We Got: Experiences of BIPOC Arts Advocates and Lobbyists feat. AI
AI is talking about my dissertation, chile...
Quanice uploaded her doctoral dissertation into NotebookLM by Google which created a podcast episode about her research! Listen to the NPR AI bots chat it up, chile. AI is definitely not going anywhere!... I listened to this all while drinking wine.
Abstract: This dissertation investigated the strategies and obstacles that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) arts advocates and lobbyists face as they navigate the predominantly white arts advocacy space. BIPOC individuals continue to be underrepresented in the arts and cultural sectors, despite the increasing attention paid to the BIPOC movement in the wake of George Floyd's murder in 2020. This study examined the convergence of arts advocacy, BIPOC experiences, and lobbying by investigating the structural obstacles that sustain inequalities and marginalization. This study employed qualitative methodologies to examine the strategies employed by BIPOC advocates to amplify their voices, challenge systemic biases, and advocate for social change within the arts sector. The study adopted a communitarian lens rooted in Black Feminist Theory, highlighting the importance of community members working together to promote inclusivity and fair representation in cultural policy. The findings enhanced the existing body of knowledge on BIPOC arts advocates and offer valuable insights into effective techniques for fostering diversity and inclusion in the arts. This research examined the opportunities and problems encountered by BIPOC arts advocates, emphasizing the capacity of arts advocacy and lobbying to promote social reform and cultivate a more inclusive cultural environment.
Dissertation Playlists:
Spotify Link - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Oe0k6J25fmmGSO8U2MzQr
Apple Music Link - https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/we-all-we-got-dissertation-playlist/pl.u-oZylxdWsqVJdoj
The views expressed do not represent the positions or opinions of any organizations that are affiliated with individuals on the podcast.