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We Know What Porn You Watch

We Know What Porn You Watch

Update: 2018-05-122


'Lesbian' is the #1 porn genre for Australian women, according to Pornhub. We unpack why so many of us are fired up by girl-on-girl, what it actually offers, and whether or not the act of watching it affects our sexuality.


Why straight women prefer lesbian porn

Why women watch lesbian porn more often than men


Hosts: Rachel Corbett, Samantha X & Dr. Lauren Rosewarne

Executive Producer: Rachel Corbett

Producer: Luca Lavigne

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Comments (2)


I actually came back to listen again. I figured that maybe i was to quick to judge or too harsh. But. After finally listening all the way through, I have a few more things to say. 1. One of the speakers told a story where she (IN FRONT OF HER BOYFRIEND) considered cheating on him with a woman. After she tells this story, rather than acknowledging that he was upset because of her potential infidelity, she proceeds to talk about how men are intimidated by seeing a woman achieve an orgasm "easier" with another woman. 2. Near the end of the episode, they jokingly mention masterbating to lesbian porn. One of the speakers says to get some wine and popcorn to fully enjoy your self pleasure session. Wine? Popcorn? I question their sanity. I don't know what men they've dealt with in their lifetimes, but maybe they should have brought one or two of them in for more accurate information.

Nov 9th


1. Men would feel threatened by lesbian sex just because it shows that a womans orgasm doesn't revolve around their penis. 2. Straight men are trying really hard to keep from appearing gay, and therefore not complimenting each other or wanting to watch gay porn. Y'all are fucking stupid. To be clear, I'm a straight male, I don't watch gay porn, because I don't like watching 2 men have sex. I am not in denial. I don't avoid it because someone will think I am gay. Some men don't compliment other men. But most do. A compliment does not imply homosexuality. And why the hell would a man think that all a woman should need to orgasm is a penis? Fingers and tongues and toys also exist. Did you ask a 13yr old about these things?

Jun 18th








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We Know What Porn You Watch

We Know What Porn You Watch

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