DiscoverThe Weeniecast: make more money, create an impactWhat's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?
What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

Update: 2024-07-12


What do we business owners share in common with beavers? You're gonna kick yourself!

Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

Now, back to this episode...

How do you beaver up your business?

I was scrolling through my social media feed the other day when I stumbled upon the most peculiar video: a beaver diligently collecting household items to create a dam inside someone's bathtub.

It struck me how instinctual it is for these creatures to obstruct the natural flow of water—and then I realized, isn't that what we often do in our own businesses?

I’ve now coined the term: "beavering your business as a result of this lesson I've learned."

Often, ADHD entrepreneurs unconsciously create energy blocks that prevent success, clients, and money from flowing naturally.

How do we create dams in our own success?

It's all about the stories we tell ourselves—stories about our ADHD, our relationship with money, or our skill sets.

Instead of treating these as minor hurdles to overcome, we magnify them into insurmountable obstacles.

For instance, constantly blaming ADHD for our challenges not only limits our actions but also keeps us in a perpetual state of powerlessness.

We even use our "bad relationship with money" as a convenient excuse to avoid asking for the compensation we deserve.

By acknowledging and tackling these stories head-on, you’ll learn how to redirect that blocking energy into something more constructive.

After listening to this episode, you'll gain valuable insights into recognizing and dismantling the barriers you've been unknowingly placing in your own path.

We’ll cover practical strategies for transforming your mindset around ADHD and money, empowering you to step into a position of control and opportunity.

You'll be better at identifying the sabotaging narratives you tell yourself, and more equipped to make decisions from a place of strength rather than weakness.

Whether it's overcoming your fear of failure, rejection, or just breaking a long-held belief that you “can't” succeed because of your ADHD, this episode will arm you with the tools to stop being a weenie and start running a successful, profitable business.

Timestamped Summary:

00:00 - Introduction: How beavers and business blocks are connected.

01:50 - The concept of "beavering your business" and the negative impact of energetic blocks.

02:49 - Common self-imposed barriers ADHD entrepreneurs create, stemming from blaming ADHD.

03:49 - The power of shifting away from blaming ADHD to taking control.

04:54 - Specifics on how untreated ADHD symptoms can impact business tasks.

06:06 - Discussing the myth of insurmountable obstacles, especially around money.

07:09 - Steps to improve relationship with money and move past paralyzing beliefs.

08:54 - Overcoming my "I'm bad at writing dialogue" block.

10:10 - Breaking down the psychological mechanisms behind magnifying obstacles.

12:34 - Empowering yourself to overcome the beavers in your business.

This episode is your guide to stop letting beavers dam up your path to success.

Click play, listen, and let's break down those barriers together!

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What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

What's the beaver 'damming' up YOUR business?

Katie McManus ADHD entrepreneur coach