DiscoverThe Marketing Secrets ShowWhat Do You Really Want?
What Do You Really Want?

What Do You Really Want?

Update: 2024-06-03


Russell Brunson, host of the Marketing Secrets podcast, begins by discussing the importance of having a definite purpose in life. He shares his own experience as a wrestler, where he achieved success but ultimately felt unfulfilled. He realized that his true desire was to wrestle again, not just to achieve a certain level of success. Brunson emphasizes that fulfillment is just as important as achievement, and that we should strive to find ways to experience both simultaneously. He encourages listeners to delve deep into their own "whys" to uncover their true desires and find ways to fulfill them along their journey. Brunson also shares insights on how to connect with audiences by understanding their deepest desires and incorporating them into storytelling. He concludes by urging listeners to go after what they truly want and not wait for achievement to bring them happiness.


Success Without Fulfillment is Ultimate Failure

This Chapter begins with a powerful statement: "Success without fulfillment is ultimate failure." Brunson emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment in life, not just achieving success. He shares his own experience as a wrestler, where he achieved success but ultimately felt unfulfilled. He realized that his true desire was to wrestle again, not just to achieve a certain level of success. He emphasizes that fulfillment is just as important as achievement, and that we should strive to find ways to experience both simultaneously.

The Power of a Definite Purpose

This Chapter delves into the concept of having a definite purpose in life. Brunson highlights the work of Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill, who both emphasize the importance of having a clear direction and goal. He explains that only a small percentage of people truly know what they want and are actively moving towards it, while the rest are simply drifting. He uses the analogy of a boat without a rudder, which is likely to crash without a clear direction.

Wrestling and the Pursuit of Fulfillment

This Chapter continues Brunson's personal story, focusing on his wrestling career. He describes his passion for wrestling and how it drove him to achieve success. He shares his experience of losing a crucial match and how it led him to pursue other goals, such as business. He reflects on the importance of not dwelling on the past and learning from experiences. He also discusses the importance of understanding the deeper desires of our audience and incorporating them into our storytelling.

The Link in Bio Strategy

This Chapter is a brief advertisement for PorkBun, a company that specializes in dot bio links. Brunson explains how these links can be used to drive traffic from social media to paid offers, funnels, and webinars. He highlights the benefits of using PorkBun, such as its low price and integration with ClickFunnels.

LinkedIn Ads for B2B Marketers

This Chapter is an advertisement for LinkedIn ads, a marketing platform specifically designed for B2B marketers. Brunson highlights the benefits of using LinkedIn ads, such as its ability to target decision-makers, drive results, and build relationships with customers in a respectful environment.

The Importance of Fulfillment in Relationships

This Chapter returns to the theme of fulfillment, this time in the context of relationships. Brunson shares a conversation he had with Tony Robbins about the six human needs, and how he realized that he was trying to achieve significance and certainty in order to gain a deeper connection with his wife. He learned that it's more effective to go directly after the need for connection rather than trying to achieve other things in hopes of fulfilling that need.



Fulfillment refers to a state of satisfaction, contentment, and meaning in life. It goes beyond simply achieving goals or accumulating material possessions. Fulfillment is about aligning one's actions with their values and finding purpose and meaning in their experiences. It's about feeling a sense of purpose, connection, and contribution to something larger than oneself.

Definite Purpose

A definite purpose is a clear and specific goal or objective that guides an individual's actions and decisions. It provides direction and motivation, helping individuals to stay focused and make progress towards their desired outcomes. Having a definite purpose can enhance self-awareness, increase motivation, and provide a sense of meaning and direction in life.


Achievement refers to the accomplishment of a goal or objective. It involves effort, dedication, and perseverance. Achievements can be personal, professional, or societal. They provide a sense of accomplishment, validation, and progress. Examples of achievements include graduating from college, starting a successful business, or winning a competition.


Transformation refers to a significant change or shift in an individual's state, behavior, or perspective. It can be a gradual process or a sudden shift. Transformation often involves personal growth, self-discovery, and a shift in values or beliefs. It can be triggered by a life-changing event, a new understanding, or a conscious decision to change.


Storytelling is the art of sharing a narrative, often using words, images, or other forms of communication. It involves creating a compelling and engaging story that connects with an audience on an emotional level. Storytelling can be used to entertain, inform, inspire, or persuade. Effective storytelling involves creating relatable characters, building suspense, and conveying a clear message.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves putting oneself in another person's shoes and experiencing their emotions as if they were one's own. Empathy is essential for building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and creating a more compassionate world.


Rapport is a harmonious relationship characterized by mutual understanding, trust, and respect. It's a sense of connection and ease between individuals. Building rapport is essential for effective communication, collaboration, and influencing others. It involves active listening, showing genuine interest, and finding common ground.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a self-help and business coach, author, and philanthropist. He is known for his motivational seminars and books, which focus on personal development, success, and achieving one's full potential. Robbins' teachings emphasize the importance of setting goals, taking action, and developing a positive mindset.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill was an American author and self-help teacher. He is best known for his book "Think and Grow Rich," which outlines principles for achieving success in life. Hill's teachings emphasize the importance of positive thinking, goal setting, and developing a strong belief in oneself.

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale was an American author, speaker, and radio personality. He is known for his work on personal development and success. Nightingale's teachings emphasize the importance of self-improvement, positive thinking, and developing a clear vision for the future.


  • What is the difference between success and fulfillment, according to Russell Brunson?

    Brunson argues that success is often seen as achieving a goal or objective, while fulfillment is a deeper sense of satisfaction and meaning in life. He believes that true success comes from achieving goals while also experiencing fulfillment, as these two elements are interconnected and essential for lasting happiness.

  • How can understanding your audience's deepest desires help you connect with them?

    Brunson emphasizes that understanding your audience's deepest desires, beyond their stated goals, can create a deeper connection and build empathy and rapport. By sharing stories that resonate with their underlying needs and aspirations, you can create a more powerful and lasting impact.

  • What is the importance of having a definite purpose in life?

    Having a definite purpose provides direction, motivation, and a sense of meaning in life. It helps individuals stay focused, make progress towards their goals, and experience a greater sense of fulfillment.

  • How can you find ways to experience fulfillment along your journey to achieving your goals?

    Brunson suggests that you delve deep into your own "whys" to uncover your true desires and find ways to fulfill them along the way. This might involve incorporating activities or experiences that bring you joy and meaning, even if they are not directly related to your main goals.

  • What is the "art of fulfillment" and how does it differ from the "science of achievement"?

    Brunson describes the "science of achievement" as a set of steps or strategies that can be followed to achieve a goal. The "art of fulfillment" is more subjective and involves creating experiences that bring joy and meaning. It's about finding what makes you feel truly alive and fulfilled, which may not always be a linear or predictable process.

  • Why is it important to not wait for achievement to bring you happiness?

    Brunson argues that waiting for achievement to bring happiness can lead to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. He encourages listeners to find ways to experience fulfillment and happiness along the way, as this can make the journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.

  • How can you apply the concept of fulfillment to your audience?

    When creating products or services, consider how you can help your audience experience fulfillment, not just achieve their goals. By understanding their deeper desires and incorporating them into your offerings, you can create a more meaningful and impactful experience for them.

  • What is the biggest question Russell Brunson leaves listeners with?

    Brunson asks listeners to reflect on what they truly want, both for themselves and for the people they serve. He encourages them to go after those desires directly, rather than waiting for achievement to bring them happiness.

  • What is Russell Brunson's role as a head cheerleader?

    Brunson sees his role as a head cheerleader, inspiring and encouraging people to believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. He believes that by fostering a sense of belief and possibility, he can help people overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.

  • What is the key takeaway from this episode of the Marketing Secrets podcast?

    The key takeaway is that true success comes from achieving goals while also experiencing fulfillment. It's important to identify your deepest desires and find ways to fulfill them along your journey, both for yourself and for the people you serve.

Show Notes

Let’s have a conversation - we haven’t done one of those in a while! But while I’m in my wrestling room, let me share a few of the pieces you need to live into what you really want in life. What is the core of what drives each of us? I challenge you to be brutally honest with yourself about why you’re pursuing your current path. We'll explore my path to finding my why and how to identify what you truly want to help you understand the deeper reasons behind your desires.

Finding out what truly propels you can bring clarity and ensure your efforts align with your real goals. Let’s uncover not just the surface-level achievements, but define the secret desires fueling your external pursuits. This episode will transform how you understand your ambitions and guide you to finding authentic success.

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What Do You Really Want?

What Do You Really Want?

Russell Brunson | YAP Media