What exactly are these TOOLS you are talking about?
Tune in as we share with you exactly what tools we teach and coach on with our parents! Remember, in order to build your child's social driver, their desire to interact with you, you will need to develop your skills to bring the fun! We go over ALL the tools so get ready!
Episode 26: If you aren't enjoying it, they aren't either! https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/lfbvGjgXYAb
Episode 9: How and why we use songs to create connection and communication! https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/vaH4LcqXYAb
Episode 20: Embracing discomfort! https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/EbfLG9pXYAb
If you’d like to find out more about how to work with us and hear what our families say about using our approach, click here! https://cherieandalicia.clickfunnels.com/step-by-step-academy-1800e37fsi3b
Visit our website: www.connect-speech.com
Find us on IG @connectspeech
We love to connect with our listeners! Email us at cherieandalicia@connect-speech.com