What valuing and keeping the social care workforce looks like
Like other professions, in social care the recruitment process is not just about getting a person for a vacancy – the person has to have the right values to work in social care and to match with the organisation they are going to work for.
So, what is value-based recruitment in social care and why is it important? And what does good retention look like in practice?
If you are an employer that has staff from the social care workforce these questions are very relevant to you. The answers are in this week’s episode of ‘Care to chat?’, where you can find out actions you can do to ensure the staff you recruit will want to stay, thrive and build lasting careers in social care.
This episode our host Dr Wendy Austin MBE talks about this important issue for employers with special guests: Dr Shirley Boyle, Lecturer, Open University, Paul Rooney, Professional Advisor, Social Care Council and Caitilin Robinson, Homecare Area Manager, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.
During the episode you will find out why this approach to recruitment and retention has proven to be particularly effective in the social care sector and tips you can put in practice so you can keep those who are there for the right reasons – to improve the lives of the people they support.
Do manage staff and social care and could do with some help? You can access the new Values-based retention toolkit on the Social Care Council’s Learning Zone.