What you should know about soil test P, spring growth, and #TurfSpeedo calculations
I describe what we can learn from looking at five years of Mehlich 3 soil test phosphorus results from golf course putting greens, how to calculate the turfgrass speedo in a standard way, rather than in a chaotic way, and recommend an episode of the Cornell Turfgrass Show that asks if soil testing is the answer to all your problems.
These are the links to posts and videos mentioned in the show:
- https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/mehlich-3-soil-test-p-in-sand-rootzones/
- https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/spring-growth-flush/
- https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/soil-testing-cornell-turfgrass-show/
- https://youtu.be/LHEs7vT2hfU
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Subscribe to my new podcast, Turf Without Borders, at https://turfwb.asianturfgrass.com/subscribe
Register for the Canadian Golf Course Management Conference in Niagara Falls at https://ogsa.ca/golfsupers-2025thecanadian/
Register for the BIGGA Continue to Learn programme in Harrogate: https://www.btme.org.uk/continue-to-learn.html
Register for my seminar at the GCSAA Conference and Show: https://gcsaaconference.com/education/session-detail?evt_id=737742c0-bb52-4192-ab34-f06c2413df04&ses_id=d85db2dc-ec5b-48c4-820f-57abce2a5193
If you'd like to attend the 15th International Turfgrass Research Conference in Japan, here's a direct link to the conference website: https://itrc2025.turfsociety.com/