When Getting Your Period Back is Getting Your Life Back with Erietta
Erietta is from Greece and lost her period due to a combination of stress, excessive exercise, and weight loss even though she never was pursuing trying to change her body or become 'more fit'.
She initially ignored the signs that her body was giving her that something was up with her period and continued her lifestyle. Prior to working with Cynthia she decided to pursue fertility treatment and successfully got pregnant through IVF.
However, after her Son was 1 years old, she still felt the need to address her missing period even though she was still breastfeeding. After working with Cynthia, Erietta was able to regain her period, get pregnant naturally and live a more fulfilling life.
- Excessive exercise, stress, and weight loss can contribute to the loss of a period, no matter your intentions.
- It's important to listen to the signs that your body is giving you and make changes to support your health.
- Joining a community of women going through the same journey can provide valuable support and encouragement.
- Recovering your period is possible through small changes in eating and movement habits.
- Living a fulfilling life involves prioritizing your health and well-being.
Apply for coaching w/Cynthia: https://p.bttr.to/3ybjfOb
Need guidance in eating? Check out this FREE Meal Plan from Cynthia
Website: https://www.periodnutritionist.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/period.nutritionist
For the full show notes - please visit my website: periodnutritionist.com