When Heaven Invades
In this message, we embark on a compelling exploration of how our perceptions of the afterlife shape our actions and attitudes here on earth.
We dive into the "in-between"—that tension between the "already" and the "not yet" of God's kingdom on Earth. Using the metaphor of baking cookies, we discuss how we can actively engage with the world through acts of healing, inclusion, and justice. These actions are not just noble endeavors; they are glimpses of heaven manifesting in our reality. As we wrestle with the coexisting experiences of both miracles and unanswered prayers, we emphasize that our calling is to bring heaven to earth through tangible acts of love and restoration.
We explore practical steps to allow Jesus to reign in our lives, emphasizing simple yet profound practices like daily Bible reading, prayer, and worship. Whether you are connecting with Jesus for the first time or seeking a renewed commitment, join us as we encourage you to embrace forgiveness, embark on a new life, and celebrate this significant spiritual journey.
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