White House / 華盛頓特區白宮 - 英文課 / 母語人士語速
The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. (the District of Columbia). It is where the United States president [總統] lives and works. In 1792, an Irish–American architect [建築師], James Hoban was paid $500 to design [設計] the White House. Construction [建造] began on October 13th, 1792. Workers, including slaves [奴隸], lived nearby in temporary houses [臨時工寮]. When it was finished in 1800, it was the largest house in the USA.
What’s Inside?
132 Rooms • 35 Bathrooms
412 Doors • 147 Windows
28 Fireplaces • 8 Staircases
3 Elevators • 3,000 Employees
The White House was burned [被燒毀] by the British [英國人] during the War [戰爭] of 1812. It was soon rebuilt. Over the years, the White House has been renovated [裝修] many times. Inside the White House are many rare antiques [古董] and historical paintings [歷史名畫].