DiscoverDecoder RingWhy Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?
Why Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?

Why Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?

Update: 2024-02-145


The eerie similarity of coffee shops all over the world was so confounding to Kyle Chayka that it led him to write the new book Filterworld: How Algorithms Are Flattening Culture. In today’s episode, Kyle’s going to walk us through the recent history of the cafe, to help us see how digital behavior is altering a physical space hundreds of years older than the internet itself, and how those changes are happening everywhere—it’s just easier to see them when they’re spelled out in latte art.

This episode was written by Willa Paskin and produced by Katie Shepherd. Decoder Ring is produced by Willa Paskin, Katie Shepherd and Evan Chung. Derek John is Executive Producer. Merritt Jacob is Senior Technical Director. Special thanks to Ben Frisch and Patrick Fort. 

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Comments (2)

Janet Lafler

It always tickles me when people talk about avocado toast as something trendy or "millenial-coded," because my dad remembers when avocado toast was poverty food. It was 1943, and butter was rationed but avocados were locally (northern California) cheap.

Mar 25th

New Jawn

The incessant vocal fry made it unlistenable. I'm sure it was an interesting topic, but I had to stop after a few minutes. To my ears, it's no different than nails on a blackboard.

Mar 18th








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Why Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?

Why Do So Many Coffee Shops Look the Same?

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