Why Have Faith?

Why Have Faith?

Update: 2024-06-04


This episode of the Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast features a conversation with Janelle Brightonstein, author of "Permanent Markers," about the importance of encouraging children to trust in Jesus. The discussion highlights the challenges of parenting in a busy world and the need to prioritize faith development in our children. Janelle and Jim Daily, President of Focus on the Family, discuss the importance of modeling faith in difficult times and how God uses those times to shape us. They also emphasize the importance of prayer and seeking God's guidance in parenting. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to seek support from Focus on the Family and to learn more about Janelle's book, "Permanent Markers."



This Chapter introduces the topic of the podcast, which is about encouraging children to trust in Jesus. It also introduces the guests, Janelle Brightonstein and Jim Daily, and the book "Permanent Markers."

The Importance of Trusting in Jesus

This Chapter delves into the importance of encouraging children to trust in Jesus. It discusses the challenges of parenting in a busy world and the need to prioritize faith development in our children. The guests share their personal experiences and insights on how to model faith in difficult times and how God uses those times to shape us.

Call to Action

This Chapter concludes the podcast with a call to action for listeners to seek support from Focus on the Family and to learn more about Janelle's book, "Permanent Markers."


Permanent Markers

Permanent Markers is a book written by Janelle Brightonstein that offers spiritual life lessons to write on your kids' hearts. The book provides practical advice and insights on how to raise children with a strong faith foundation.

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is a Christian non-profit organization that provides resources and support to families worldwide. They offer a variety of programs, including counseling, parenting advice, and educational materials.

Parenting Podcast

A parenting podcast is a type of audio program that provides advice, insights, and support to parents on a variety of topics related to raising children. These podcasts often feature interviews with experts, personal stories, and practical tips.

Janelle Brightonstein

Janelle Brightonstein is the author of the book "Permanent Markers." She is a Christian author and speaker who is passionate about helping parents raise children with a strong faith foundation.

Jim Daily

Jim Daily is the President of Focus on the Family. He is a Christian leader who is dedicated to supporting families and strengthening marriages.


Discipleship is the process of learning and following the teachings of Jesus Christ. It involves growing in faith, developing a relationship with God, and living a life that reflects Christian values.

Faith Development

Faith development refers to the process of helping children grow in their understanding and relationship with God. It involves teaching them about the Bible, prayer, and Christian values.

Modeling Faith

Modeling faith involves demonstrating Christian values and beliefs through our actions and words. It is a powerful way to teach children about faith and to inspire them to follow Jesus.

Difficult Times

Difficult times are periods of hardship, stress, or adversity. These times can be challenging, but they can also be opportunities for growth and spiritual development.

God's Word

God's Word refers to the Bible, which is considered to be the inspired word of God. It contains teachings, stories, and guidance for living a life that pleases God.


  • What is the main message of this episode of the Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast?

    The main message of this episode is the importance of encouraging children to trust in Jesus. The guests discuss the challenges of parenting in a busy world and the need to prioritize faith development in our children. They also emphasize the importance of modeling faith in difficult times and how God uses those times to shape us.

  • What is the analogy used to illustrate how God's Word permeates our lives?

    The analogy used is that of tea steeping in a cup. Just as the tea slowly infuses the water with its flavor, God's Word gradually permeates our lives and shapes our thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

  • What are some practical tips for encouraging children to trust in Jesus?

    Some practical tips include modeling faith in difficult times, praying with your children, and using word pictures and analogies to explain spiritual concepts. It is also important to create a home environment where faith is a natural part of life.

  • How can parents find support and resources for parenting?

    Parents can find support and resources from Focus on the Family, including counseling, parenting advice, and educational materials. They can also learn more about Janelle Brightonstein's book, "Permanent Markers."

  • What is the importance of prayer in parenting?

    Prayer is essential for parenting because it allows us to seek God's guidance, wisdom, and strength. It also helps us to connect with God and to rely on Him for support during challenging times.

  • How can parents model faith in difficult times?

    Parents can model faith in difficult times by demonstrating trust in God, seeking His guidance, and finding peace in the midst of chaos. They can also use these times as opportunities to teach their children about God's faithfulness and love.

  • What is the role of God's Word in faith development?

    God's Word is essential for faith development because it provides teachings, stories, and guidance for living a life that pleases God. It helps us to understand God's character, His plan for our lives, and His love for us.

  • What are some of the challenges of parenting in a busy world?

    Some of the challenges of parenting in a busy world include finding time for faith development, managing stress, and balancing work and family life. It can also be difficult to model faith consistently when life gets hectic.

  • How can parents find hope and encouragement in parenting?

    Parents can find hope and encouragement by remembering that God is faithful and true, that He gives the growth, and that He is with us through difficult times. They can also find support from other parents, Christian communities, and resources like Focus on the Family.

  • What is the importance of seeking God's guidance in parenting?

    Seeking God's guidance in parenting is essential because it allows us to make decisions that are aligned with His will and to raise our children in a way that honors Him. It also helps us to trust in His plan for our families and to find peace in the midst of uncertainty.

Show Notes

How often does your child ask you "why," about something? When your kid starts asking the why questions about God, that's a beautiful opportunity to be present with them. Janel Breitenstein and Jim Daly discuss why it's good to engage with your kids in spiritual conversations. Plus, John and Danny share how hard times can be an opportunity to set a godly example for your kids.


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Why Have Faith?

Why Have Faith?

Focus on the Family