DiscoverWSJ's Take On the WeekWhy Record Profits For Big Banks Could Be Good For Consumers
Why Record Profits For Big Banks Could Be Good For Consumers

Why Record Profits For Big Banks Could Be Good For Consumers

Update: 2024-04-07


This week, we're expecting earnings reports from three of the biggest U.S. banks: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. Josh Brown and Michael Batnick from Ritholtz Wealth Management join us to discuss what these reports could tell us about the finances of consumers and businesses — how much we’re spending, how much we’re saving and whether we’ve been taking risks. Then, we're drilling into oil. A report from the International Energy Agency is expected Friday and will play a role in letting investors know whether the double digit increase we saw in oil prices in Q1 and the 30% increase we saw in gasoline prices will continue. We're speaking with WSJ reporter, David Uberti, about what rising gasoline prices tells us and why the report could move oil prices, stock prices and more. Plus, we're previewing the upcoming CPI report with WSJ reporter Anna Hirtenstein to find out why this week’s data could change the conversation about inflation.

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Further Reading

Why Gasoline Prices Are Rising Faster Than Usual This Year 

Inflation Victory Is Proving Elusive, Challenging Central Banks and Markets 

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Why Record Profits For Big Banks Could Be Good For Consumers

Why Record Profits For Big Banks Could Be Good For Consumers

The Wall Street Journal