Why are dementia cases increasing worldwide?
Here are some sobering facts. Someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds. There are over 55 million people worldwide living with dementia in 2024. This number is expected to almost double every 20 years reaching over 140 million by 2055.
Each country will continue to discover more cases of dementia in their population. The research is clear on this, and without a medical breakthrough, this increase will continue globally. As a Dementia Expert I’m frequently asked, “why will this happen?” “Why will numbers keep increasing?” My response often surprises people because the reasons are simple.
Although we will discuss Australia specifically, the reasons for this increase can be applied to your country and your local community.
About me
My name is Tim England and I’m the host and creator of the podcasts Dementia Demystified. I’m also a Dementia Champion and a leading voice on dementia in Australia and I have been active in this area for over 14 years.
As a freelance dementia consultant and educator who De-mystifies and De-stigmatises dementia I advocate for people living with dementia and their families to live well. With a Masters of Dementia, I’m a Dementia Specialist, Family Advocate, Educator, Columnist, Public Speaker, and an Advanced Care Planner. My family has also been touched by dementia.
I hosted hundreds of free public dementia education events to raise the awareness of dementia. I’ve been featured in the Australian Journal of Dementia Care and was awarded the ‘Paul Harris Medal’ from Rotary International for Community Service.
My new YouTube channel called Ask a Dementia Champion has the goal of raising the level of dementia awareness and knowledge in the community and to de-stigmatise dementia more broadly.
My style is relaxed and use simple non-complicated terms and language to effectively inform and advise so that correct choices are made, and I’m committed to finding, and sharing, bold and innovative new ideas in dementia care.
Finally, I’m featured in the international award-winning dementia documentary Ticktyboo – a Secret in Plain Sight, been interviewed numerous times by community and commercial radio and international Youtubers such as the award winning All Home Care Matters, and I’ve spoken at National Dementia Conferences.
So, if you a looking for someone who can share information about dementias pathology, the impact of dementia on society, and what can be done to help, then you’ve come to the right place.
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