Why the Y?
Not since the announcement of Chatham Park as there been so much media buzz as when the YMCA announced that through a partnership with Preston Development Company, that a new state of the art YMCA facility was going to be built in Pittsboro, in the North Village Town Center of Chatham Park.
We at Preston Development Company have a long history of building communities, and working with the YMCA has been a big part of that.
Today you will hear from Vanessa Jenkins, Executive Vice President of Preston Development, Chuck Smith, Landscape Architect and Vice President of Planning for Preston, and Kurt Pfeifer, Project Landscape Architect with WithersRavenel, and Forrest Perry, Regional Vice President of the YMCA of the Triangle.
This interview is the full version of segments released on WCHL, and you can find those shorter clips on the WCHL website or catch them on their radio station if you are in the triangle area.