DiscoverSpirit Wings Podcast (a wings of fire podcast)Wings of Fire/Keeper of the Lost Cities Besties
Wings of Fire/Keeper of the Lost Cities Besties

Wings of Fire/Keeper of the Lost Cities Besties

Update: 2024-08-05


Hiii! Thank you for listening to our podcast! We are almost at 5K DOWNLOADS!!!! When we do hit 5k, we will be doing a collab with another podcaster! AND WE ARE SO EXCITED! Also if you listen on Spotify, please answer the poll for this episode.


In this episode we discuss the possible friendships with characters from the series Wings of Fire (Tui T Sutherland) and Keeper of the Lost Cities (Shannon Messenger) If you haven't read the books or are very early in the series (before book 3) maybe don't listen to this episode or you can just SPOILER ALERT for some things. ENJOY!

Also shoutout to Nanny the mannequin head! (cover for this episode!) SLAAAY!

If you’ve made it this far reading good job! cause now it is time for the backstory of NANNY. Also Copilot AI wrote this story. Here it is: Once upon a time in the quirky town of Quirkville, two imaginative girls decided to embark on a peculiar project. Armed with a block of styrofoam, a box of makeup, and a wild sense of humor, they set out to create the most fabulous mannequin head the world had ever seen. They named her Nanny.

Nanny started as a simple styrofoam block, but under the artistic hands of the girls, she quickly transformed into a masterpiece. They gave her bright blue eyeshadow that could be seen from space, rosy cheeks that looked like she had just run a marathon, and lips so red they could stop traffic. To top it all off, they glued on a wig that looked like it had been borrowed from a 1980s rock star.

Nanny wasn’t just any mannequin head; she had a personality. The girls decided she was a retired opera singer who now spent her days giving unsolicited fashion advice. They placed her on the living room table, and every time someone walked by, they would hear Nanny’s imaginary voice saying things like, “Darling, those shoes with that dress? Bold choice!” or “Sweetheart, have you considered a different shade of lipstick?”

One day, the family dog decided to join in the fun. He took a liking to Nanny and would often sit by her, wagging his tail as if he were listening to her stories. The girls imagined Nanny telling the dog about her glamorous days on stage, complete with dramatic paw gestures and high-pitched howls.

Things took a hilarious turn when the little brother decided to introduce Nanny to his toy dinosaur, Rex. He was convinced that Nanny and Rex were destined to be best friends. He would set up tea parties for them, where Nanny would “sip” her tea with elegance, and Rex would clumsily knock over the teacups with his tiny arms.

One evening, the family had guests over for dinner. As they sat around the table, Nanny’s presence became the center of attention. The guests couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of a styrofoam mannequin head giving fashion critiques and sipping imaginary tea with a dinosaur. It was the most entertaining dinner party they had ever attended.

As the night came to an end, the girls tucked Nanny into her “bed” (a cozy spot on the bookshelf) and whispered goodnight. Nanny, with her fabulous makeup and rock star wig, had brought so much joy and laughter to their home. She was more than just a mannequin head; she was a beloved member of the family.

And so, in the quirky town of Quirkville, Nanny the mannequin head continued to spread hilarity and happiness, proving that sometimes, the weirdest ideas can bring the most joy.

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Wings of Fire/Keeper of the Lost Cities Besties

Wings of Fire/Keeper of the Lost Cities Besties

Spirit Wings Podcast