World Environment Day Special - Ecosystem Restoration
Note: This episode was recorded remotely, adhering to UK Government advice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year, the global theme for World Environment Day is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’, which sets the topic for this episode.
Dougal Driver FICFor CEnv, will be conducting the interview as a special guest. As he is World Environment Day lead at the Society, that makes him the ideal chair for this special episode of the podcast.
Dougal is a Chartered Environmentalist via the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF). Among his many roles, he is Chief Executive of Grown in Britain, chairs several forestry committees, advise ministers, wildlife trusts and private companies on organisational and environmental strategies.
Being interviewed today is Tamsin Morris MSc CEcol CEnv MCIEEM.
Tamsin, a Chartered Environmentalist via the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). She is a Partner at Walking-the-Talk, an environmental consultancy based in rural Aberdeenshire, with coverage across Scotland. She has worked in the Scottish land management sector for 25 years, and one of her many specialities includes peatland restoration, which ties into the World Environment Day theme.
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