DiscoverSteamy-StoriesWorld Repopulation Efforts: Part 1
World Repopulation Efforts: Part 1

World Repopulation Efforts: Part 1

Update: 2025-01-10



Something had to be done about the ominous world population decrease.

Based on the works of ron de, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

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Kristin lay naked on the bed with her legs spread a little and watched as S405698 removed his clothing. Before, she'd been nervous, but eager. Now, as he removed his underwear and his erect cock bobbed free, she was nervous and a little afraid. It was her first time in six months, the celibacy period mandated by her contract, and she was a little fearful of how it would feel. He looked large - not particularly long, but really thick. Matt, her former partner, hadn't been so thick and it always felt like he stretched her a lot.

He smiled as he approached.

"This your first time here?"

Kristin nodded her confirmation.

He smiled again and stroked her right breast.

"Just relax, and I'll make this great for both of us. Do you have a favorite position?"

Kristin's voice was almost a whisper.

"I thought it made a difference and we'd have to do it with you on top."

He chuckled.

"That's just an old wives tale. All the data says it really doesn't matter as long as you have an orgasm. Usually it doesn't matter even if you don't providing the time is right, but I'll make sure you do. Now, what do you like? I read your application, but some women have special things they like and are too embarrassed to write them down. It's just you and me here, and it will be better for us both if I know."

Kristin thought for a moment. Should she tell him, could she tell him, that having her nipples pinched tight and then pulled would send her into a blinding orgasm? Would he think she was weird if she told him that?

He smiled when she didn't answer.

"You won't shock me, I promise. I've heard everything from 'spank me really hard' to 'pull my hair' to 'tell me I'm just a brood cow and you're going to breed me like a bull'. There have been other things too, but those are probably the most common."

Kristin smiled coyly.

"Well...I like it best when I'm on my hands and knees...and I like my nipples pinched hard and then pulled."

He smiled again.

"That's one of my favorites too. Before we do that, let's get you ready."

Kristin was quiet when he began stroking her breasts, but caught her breath when he lightly brushed her nipples with his fingertips. When he nuzzled her breast and then closed his lips around her right nipple, she closed her eyes so she could feel every little tingle. After he stroked down her side and then slipped a fingertip between her puffy lips, she wasn't afraid anymore. She just felt the craving building, the craving to be penetrated by his thick cock, and then taken to the point her body would convulse as the orgasm sent her into a blinding fog of sensations.

That was when he'd pump his seed into her, the thick, white, sticky ropes carrying his sperm that would find their way to her womb and impregnate her. She wouldn't feel the spurts, she knew that, but she'd feel his thick cock throb inside her when he did it. Some women in her group who were there for the second or third time said they thought they could feel it splatter inside them, but Kristin never had. All she'd ever felt were the contractions that twisted her belly in a knot, caused her legs to turn to jelly, and made her hips writhe around the cock inside her.

And so it was that day. He stroked his finger in and out, then used two fingers to stroke deep while his thumb lightly brushed her clit, and all the time, his mouth sucked and pulled at her nipples. By the time he turned her over and lifted her hips so she was on her hands and knees, she'd felt the orgasm building twice. He'd stopped his stroking fingers and thumb then, but as soon as her hips stopped rocking into his hand, he started again.

Kristin had just gotten to her hands and knees when she felt him spread her lips and then slide his rigid cock between them. She was so wet by then there wasn't much sensation until his cock head touched her clit. Her body jerked when that happened and she tried to move forward so his cock was at her entrance.

He wouldn't let her do that though. He just kept stroking his cock between her wet, swollen lips until his cock head and shaft glistened with the slippery/sticky wetness that flowed from her entrance when she tightened her belly. He smiled to himself at how well he'd excited her.

That was a point of personal pride with him. He'd been taught the mechanics, but his real education had come from a woman named Barbara. She'd been very forward about what she liked and didn't like, and one of the things she liked was being teased until she was gasping for breath and her wetness flowed enough it trickled from her entrance and then down between her ass cheeks.

He knew Kristin was ready when she began pushing back against him, trying to get his cock inside her. He hoped she was close to an orgasm because when a breeder acted like this one was acting, he sometimes had trouble holding back until she came. It wasn't the way she moaned and panted. It was the way her lips gradually swelled and then opened when he spread her legs a little more.

Kristin felt him pushing his cock head at her entrance and then the feeling of him stretching her open. It didn't happen all at once like she thought it might. After all, he was being paid to breed her, not to make love to her and she thought he'd want to do it as fast as possible.

He didn't though, and Kristin couldn't hold back the moan as his thick, swollen cock head eased into the snug spot just inside her entrance. She moaned again when he pushed deeper and she felt him fill that tight ring. He didn't keep going then. He just pushed in and out right there, making his cock head stretch her open and then letting her close a little. In less than a minute, Kristin was unconsciously pushing back at his cock and trying to get him inside her all the way.

He did push harder then, and Kristin gasped as his cock head slipped past that snug spot but the stretching feeling didn't lessen. It was still there, the same pressure that sent little tingling sensations to her brain and her core. Those sensations tightened her belly and took every thought from her mind except the exquisite stretching and his hands on her breasts.

He was carefully watching what she did, and when he began hearing her rasping, panting breaths knew she was close. He moved his hands from cupping her full, hanging breasts to close his fingertips on her swollen nipples. When he pinched them lightly, she moaned. He pinched harder and felt her passage clamp down on his cock.

She rammed her body back when he pinched harder still, hard enough he knew he was flattening her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs, and she started to make continuous little moans. It would only take a little more and she'd have the orgasm she needed to have for it to be nearly certain he'd impregnate her.

He pulled down hard then and stretched her breasts out into cones. She shrieked and he felt her begin to shake. She started to sag then because her legs were shaking, so he put his left hand under her belly to hold her up, and began pushing his cock in and out a little faster. In moments, she began to murmur something he couldn't understand, and when he pulled hard on her right nipple, she shrieked and started to writhe her hips. As soon as he felt her body jerk the first time, he allowed himself to let go. With a groan, he pushed his cock in until his belly flattened her shaking hips and then felt the surge race up his cock and inside her. Three more times, he gasped as his cock went home and another surge flew out the tip.

She was still making little mewing cries and pushing back into his cock when he groaned and felt another tightening in his cock. That one would be just a dribble, but it would add to the amount he could already feel leaking out of her and onto the mattress.

It wouldn't matter if some leaked out. He could feel her body moving now, feel her passage contract and then push out, then contract again. Her body was doing what it was supposed to do, dipping the tip of her womb into the sperm that covered it and helping the sperm find its way inside.

He kept his cock in her and stroking until it got soft enough it was just bending when he stroked in. He pulled out then, but held her lips closed with two fingers until he couldn't feel the little contractions anymore. He knew it wouldn't matter if he did that, but he liked the way most women reacted when he lightly pinched their lips together and then moved them around. This one was no exception. She purred out a little moan and then her hips rocked a little.

She was lying on her back when he got dressed, and just before he left; she blew him a kiss and said "Thank you".

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World Repopulation Efforts: Part 1

World Repopulation Efforts: Part 1

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