You Can Give Them To The Birds And Bees
Season Three, Episode One: You Can Give Them To The Birds And Bees, was written, directed and edited by Kyle Olson, our Producer and Sound Designer is Ryan FitzPatrick. Our talent wrangler is Brooke Underveith.
Starring Amy Shaw as Zinnia, Anastasia Plumb as Saffron, Kara Gallo as Goldie, Vickie Hall as Annabelle, Brooke Underveith as Carte Blanche, Krissy Lenz as Ursula, and Justin Kent as Virgil.
Our theme song is written and performed by Hedley Knights and our interstitial music is ‘Intended Force’ by Kevin Macleod. The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society is a Ox and Hare Media production. Old format, new ideas.
##Author’s Notes
And so Season 3 has begun. I knew from the start I wanted this to be one interconnected story. By the third season, I hope I've earned that. The narration is gone, as is filling people in on who everyone is and how they relate to each other. At this point, I either have your attention or I don’t, and an exposition dump won’t help that.
Why Rhodium? Nothing fancy, just a quick Google search told me that it’s the most expensive non-sythentic element. And gold is so played out. The Six are the kind of people who’t want the Most Expensive, Most Rare element just because it’s the most expensive and most rare, screw the logistics.
In the original version of the script, it was actually Equity Electric who confronted the trio on the trucks, and Zinnia who separated herself to fight her solo. But I realized that meant that Carte, this big bad I’d set up wouldn’t show up until much later in the season. So Equity had to give up her slot. But don’t worry, you can’t stop energy, only contain it. She’ll be back, and not where you’d expect her. (See, I resisted saying "her return will be shocking” I should get credit for that!)