nfo Weekly Kickstart
Happy Monday! 1 VM. Weekend Update. Shop Update.
Brief about:
Hello and welcome to NFO podcast! My name is Benji and this is my take on reproaching the word 'overland'. I was tired of the constant division and defining of the word. This podcast is for those starting out or for those who have been doing it for a while. No gatekeeping or arguing, this is "overloading undefined". You do what works for you and leave it at that! I hope you'll follow along on this journey. It's going to be a blast! Be sure to follow on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube :)
NFO Monday Kickstart: voicemail +02-417-319-1969
Call in to join our "Topic Talk"
November Topic Talk: "What are you thankful for must about the Overland world? People? Rigs? Family?"
Thank You Patreons!
Wandering Possum
Stephen Moore
Amanda Gautreaux
Middaugh of Nowhere
Mehdi Koch
Jarred Pohlman
Joe - RV Tech
Nathan Pritchard
Robb Conn
Caleb Baker - baker overland (yt)
Pat Saavedra
Justin Williams
Ron Soares - back county beagles (yt)
Dalton Cheatham
Tim Mendoza
Boondocked Haverlock (yt)
Obsession Overland
Ed Giesen
Jimmy Jet
Anthony Ryken
Jarrett Hudson
Joshua Downie
Thank You :)
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