Птицы и ветер в летнем лесу / Birds and wind in summer forest
Вы можете приобрести эту запись в высоком качестве для личного прослушивания здесь - https://hownaturetalks.bandcamp.com/album/how-nature-talks-episode-1-birds-and-wind-in-summer-forest
Автор записей - Андрей Филиппов (Andrew Philippov).
Summer time ambience recorded at day in taiga forest in Ural, Russia. In this recording you will hear natural atmosphere with birds, ocasional rodents movements, bees and calm wind in trees. Wherever you are now you have the opportunity to travel to this location and take a listen.
You can buy high quality file of this recording for personal listening here - https://hownaturetalks.bandcamp.com/album/how-nature-talks-episode-1-birds-and-wind-in-summer-forest
Field recordist and editor - Andrew Philippov.