DiscoverThe Spillover with Alex Clark“Take Shoes Off Your Baby & Benefits Of Being Barefoot.” - Barefoot Shoe Expert Anya Jensen
“Take Shoes Off Your Baby & Benefits Of Being Barefoot.” - Barefoot Shoe Expert Anya Jensen

“Take Shoes Off Your Baby & Benefits Of Being Barefoot.” - Barefoot Shoe Expert Anya Jensen

Update: 2024-05-313


This episode delves into the world of barefoot shoes, featuring an interview with Anya, a barefoot shoe expert. Anya shares her personal story of overcoming chronic foot pain through barefoot shoes. She explains how conventional shoes can negatively impact foot health, leading to issues like bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis. Anya emphasizes the importance of foot strength and natural movement, advocating for barefoot or minimal footwear. She discusses the benefits of barefoot walking, including improved motor control, stability, and balance. Anya also provides practical advice on choosing the right barefoot shoes, including tips for finding the perfect fit and budget-friendly options. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to try incorporating barefoot shoes into their lives, even if it's just a small change.


Introduction and YWLS Conference Announcement

This Chapter introduces the topic of barefoot shoes and announces the upcoming YWLS2024 conference in San Antonio, Texas, from June 7th to 9th. The speaker highlights key speakers and provides details about the event, including ticket information and discounts.

Barefoot Shoes and Foot Health

This Chapter dives into the conversation about barefoot shoes and their impact on foot health. The speaker interviews Anya, a barefoot shoe expert, who shares her personal journey of overcoming chronic foot pain through barefoot shoes. Anya explains how conventional shoes can negatively impact foot health, leading to issues like bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis. She emphasizes the importance of foot strength and natural movement, advocating for barefoot or minimal footwear.

The Impact of Modern Shoes on Foot Health

This Chapter explores the negative effects of modern shoes on foot health. Anya demonstrates how conventional shoes, with their heavy soles, pointy toe boxes, and lack of flexibility, can contribute to weak feet and poor posture. She argues that babies should not wear shoes or socks as much as possible to allow for proper foot development.

Barefoot Shoe Options and Transitioning

This Chapter discusses the wide variety of barefoot shoe options available, from ballet flats and dress shoes to sandals and boots. Anya addresses concerns about the transition from regular shoes to barefoot shoes, emphasizing that it should not be painful and that gradual adaptation is key. She also discusses the importance of finding shoes that fit your foot shape and type.

Arch Support and Foot Function

This Chapter explores the role of arch support in foot health. Anya explains that arch support can be beneficial in short-term situations, such as for acute injuries, but should not be relied upon long-term. She emphasizes that proper foot function is often related to toe alignment and that a wide toe box shoe can often address arch support needs.

Calluses and Foot Health

This Chapter discusses the significance of calluses on the feet. Anya explains that calluses can indicate different issues, such as pinching or narrow shoes. She also highlights the natural protection that calluses provide for those who walk barefoot regularly.

Bunions and Natural Healing

This Chapter addresses the question of whether bunions can be healed naturally. Anya shares insights from a podiatrist colleague who has seen many people with mild to moderate bunions heal completely through natural methods. She acknowledges that surgery may be necessary for severe cases but emphasizes the potential for improvement and pain relief through natural approaches.


Barefoot Shoes

Footwear designed to mimic the feeling of walking barefoot, often featuring a thin, flexible sole and a wide toe box. They promote natural foot movement and can improve foot health and overall well-being.

Foot Health

The overall health and well-being of the feet, encompassing factors like proper foot mechanics, alignment, strength, and flexibility. It is essential for comfortable walking, running, and overall body function.


A barefoot shoe expert and the guest on this podcast episode. She shares her personal journey of overcoming chronic foot pain through barefoot shoes and provides valuable insights into the benefits and science behind barefoot footwear.


A large women's conference hosted by Turning Point, USA, taking place in San Antonio, Texas, from June 7th to 9th. The event features speakers and workshops on various topics related to women's empowerment and cultural issues.


A bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. It is often caused by wearing shoes that are too narrow or have a pointed toe box, leading to pressure and misalignment of the big toe.

Plantar Fasciitis

A common condition that causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot. It is often caused by overuse, tight calf muscles, or wearing shoes that lack proper support.


The practice of connecting with the earth's surface, often through walking barefoot. It is believed to have various health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and boosting energy levels.

Toe Box

The area of a shoe that encloses the toes. A wide toe box allows for natural toe splay and movement, while a narrow toe box can restrict movement and contribute to foot problems.

Arch Support

A feature in shoes designed to support the arch of the foot. While it can be helpful in short-term situations, long-term reliance on arch support can weaken foot muscles and lead to other issues.

Foot Exercises

Exercises specifically designed to strengthen and improve the flexibility of the feet. They can help improve foot health, balance, and overall body function.


  • What are the main benefits of wearing barefoot shoes?

    Barefoot shoes promote natural foot movement, improve foot strength and flexibility, and can help alleviate foot pain caused by conventional footwear. They can also improve balance, stability, and overall body function.

  • How can I transition to wearing barefoot shoes?

    Start gradually by incorporating barefoot shoes into your daily routine for short periods. Choose shoes with a little more sole and cushion initially, and gradually transition to thinner, more minimalist shoes as your feet adapt. Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard.

  • What are some tips for choosing the right barefoot shoes?

    Look for shoes with a wide toe box to allow for natural toe splay, a thin and flexible sole for natural movement, and a comfortable fit that doesn't restrict your foot. Consider your foot shape and type when choosing a brand and style.

  • Are barefoot shoes expensive?

    Barefoot shoes can be more expensive than conventional shoes, but they can be a worthwhile investment in your foot health. Consider the long-term costs of foot pain and treatments, and explore budget-friendly options at stores like Walmart and Target.

  • What are some signs that my shoes don't fit properly?

    Look for signs like toes being squished together, toes touching the sides of the shoe, or the shoe slipping off your heel. These indicate that the shoe is not the right size or shape for your foot.

  • Is it safe to walk barefoot in public?

    Use common sense and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking barefoot in areas with sharp objects or potential hazards. However, walking barefoot on grass or other safe surfaces can be beneficial for foot health.

  • Are there any scientific benefits to walking barefoot?

    Yes, studies have shown that barefoot walking can improve motor control, stability, balance, and foot strength. Grounding, or connecting with the earth's surface barefoot, is also believed to have various health benefits.

  • What are some good barefoot shoe brands?

    Some popular barefoot shoe brands include Lem's Shoes, Bylanka, Pureco, and Shapen. These brands offer a variety of styles, from sneakers and flats to sandals and boots.

  • What should I look for in a traditional shoe that is still a healthier option?

    Look for shoes with a wide toe box, a relatively flat and flexible sole, and a soft, stretchy upper. These features will allow for more natural foot movement and reduce pressure on the toes.

  • What is Anya Shop?

    Anya Shop is a retail store that offers a wide selection of barefoot shoes for kids, women, and men. It is a one-stop shop for finding the perfect barefoot shoe for your needs and budget.

Show Notes

If you’re experiencing chronic foot pain, are curious about barefoot shoes, or grounding, this episode could change your life! Anya Jensen, a barefoot shoe industry expert, says you can find dress shoes, ballet flats, fashion boots, and even sandals that look normal but feel like you are not wearing shoes at all! Find out if babies should wear shoes, how to know if your shoes fit properly, tips to shop for barefoot shoes on a budget, and why Anya allows her kids to go barefoot in public. Anya...
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“Take Shoes Off Your Baby & Benefits Of Being Barefoot.” - Barefoot Shoe Expert Anya Jensen

“Take Shoes Off Your Baby & Benefits Of Being Barefoot.” - Barefoot Shoe Expert Anya Jensen

Turning Point USA