“hidden in plain sight” – Nicola Taylor and Marilyn Freeman on a paradigm shift and new frontiers in what is part of family law at the Pacifica Congress conference
“hidden in plain sight” – Nicola Taylor and Marilyn Freeman on a paradigm shift and new frontiers in what is part of family law at the Pacifica Congress conference
Nicola Taylor https://www.otago.ac.nz/cic/staff/professor-nicola-taylor
Dr Marilyn Freeman https://www.westminster.ac.uk/about-us/our-people/directory/freeman-marilyn
At the Pacifica Congress Conference live in Hobart 2023 www.pacificacongress.org
The Inside Family Law Podcast is hosted by Zoe Durand at Mediation Answers www.mediationanswers.com.au in partnership with Lawyer Magic and ArtWork.
If you would like to attend the champagne celebration on 1 November 2023 for the Inside Family Law and network with our remarkable guests that we have hosted over the years secure your spot at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/736405357247?aff=oddtdtcreator
- “There are a whole lot of transitions and experiences that children and young people have.”
- Gender dysphoria, child soldiers, children sports people.
- Opening up the space for what is family law to include issues for young people around identity and its formation and its disruption.
- “Identity formation is critical to the way we think about children.
- “Identity formation is one of the key aspects of childhood development.” Nicola.
- Overall it was received positively at the conference (expanding the understanding of family law).
- Paradigm shift to look at what are children’s experiences “hidden in plain sight”.
- An attendee said “I’m going to do my work differently” (Marilyn).
- Donor children, care and protection work, asylum seeking children.
- A different paradigm rather than entering through adults experiences (i.e what happens to an adult, ie marriage, separation, divorce) but instead what are the experiences children move through (Zoe). Youth Law Australia.