oec Podcasts

Best oec podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



OEC News:Observatory of Economic Complexity

OEC News

OEC.WORLD brings you the latest news and stories from world trade data.


OCDSB OEC Eastern Musk Turtle In Ontario:David Deyette

OCDSB OEC Eastern Musk Turtle In Ontario

Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) natural history and status in Ontario described in brief as part of the OCDSB Outdoor Education Centres focus on Ontario's turtles.


The Current Buzz:Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

The Current Buzz

At Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (OEC), our purpose is to improve our members’ quality of life through the safe delivery of highly reliable, reasonably priced electric service, innovative energy programs, and exceptional member service. This podcast is just one more way that we are here to help you, our members, learn more about the industry.


OEC-Limited Radio:OEC-Limited Radio

OEC-Limited Radio



OEC Podcast:OEC Podcast

OEC Podcast

All things Old Ellicott City from businesses and people to history and events.


דף יומי בתלמוד ירושלמי:ירושלמי יומי

דף יומי בתלמוד ירושלמי

שיעור דף יומי בתלמוד הירושלמי, שיעור קצר ומובן מאת הרב מאיר כהן שליט"א. השיעורים זמינים גם ביוטוב https://youtube.com/channel/UCvADAD9HmA4X4sZzRq3FO2A https://anchor.fm/s/c55bc7e4/podcast/rss לוח דף יומי בירושלמי ליומן גוגל: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRPnlXIcVjaNdkTLsWyKz_xFspNzFgxnGf4N4EPT6fP6v_-rYe5JGnKoS6VEQLMKF-tToVLWjOEcXUL/pub?output=csv


The Open Minded Skeptic:Sharon Ann Rowland

The Open Minded Skeptic

Is it time to listen to something different? Something alternate, without the usual bias, or levity applied to subjects routinely dismissed? If you find yourself viewing the normal world as odd, or perhaps out-of-touch with your own reality, tune in to our podcast, where we will be sharing the words (and various missions) of the OeC Magazine columnists, and people within the different communities that touch our hearts, our souls, and of course, manifest change within our fractured world.Our podcasts will be a combination of interviews with people who work and/or live outside of the mainstream, a plethora of scripted non-fiction educational discussions touching on the latest conspiracies, ancient origins, ufology, the paranormal, fringe or new science, metaphysical musings, natural living, various product, event, service, book and DVD reviews, as well as some of my own supernatural fictional stories (scripted and at times, unscripted).The goal of The Open Minded Skeptic is to make you question, as well as to create short and to the point podcasts, no longer than ten minute soundbites (finger crossed)!Initially we will be transitioning across from our other platforms a number of interviews and articles from inside past issues of the Oddities e-Club Magazine, whilst catching up with previous interviewees to see how they are going on their guided path!If this sounds like you - tune in, or check out our website www.tomspod.com!


Trade with an Accent:Observatory of Economic Complexity

Trade with an Accent

Learn the latest world trade insights with OEC.WORLD.


El Gozo del Evangelio:OEC-ARCHGH

El Gozo del Evangelio

Programa conducido y producido por la Oficina de Evangelización y Catequesis de la Arquidiocesis de Galveston-Houston y transmitido por Radio-Maria Houston


short-lessons2go:Dipl. oec. Carmen P. Baake


Fortbildung wo, wann und wie oft Sie wollen. Das innovative Fortbildungsprogramm der short-lessons2go macht es möglich. Glauben Sie nicht? Hören Sie selbst.


Onlyone Strategy - オンリーワンストラテジー:海江田和記

Onlyone Strategy - オンリーワンストラテジー

「Onlyone Strategy(オンリーワンストラテジー)」では、売上げを上げながら働く時間を減らしたい起業家にとって必要なマーケティングや戦略についてお伝えしています。メインパーソナリティとして、集客の仕組みを構築して毎月安定的にクライアントを獲得するための実践スクール「オンリーワンエキスパートクラブ(OEC)」を主催する海江田和記がお届けしています。◾️番組へのご質問はこちらからどうぞ→http://kaiedakazuki.net/podcast/ ◾️海江田和記の公式メルマガ→http://kaiedakazuki.net/mailmagazinepodcast/


VO Rechnungswesen WS 2010:Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Rechnungswesen" (325.000, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Heinz Königsmaier), WS 2010/11 Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Rechnungswesen" (325.000, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Heinz Königsmaier), WS 2010/11 ...

VO Rechnungswesen WS 2010

Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Rechnungswesen" (325.000, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Heinz Königsmaier), WS 2010/11


VO Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre WS 2010:Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre" (320.100, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Gehrke), WS 2010/11Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre" (320.100, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag....

VO Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre WS 2010

Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre" (320.100, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Gehrke), WS 2010/11


LMU Crowdinvesting-Symposium 2014:Dr. oec. publ. Lars Hornuf, M.A. (Essex)

LMU Crowdinvesting-Symposium 2014

Die Crowdinvesting Symposia an der LMU München wurden von den Wissenschaftlern Prof. Dr. Lars Klöhn und Dr. Lars Hornuf ins Leben gerufen und erstmals im Februar 2013 veranstaltet. Sie bieten Praktikern und Akademikern eine Plattform, auf der sie sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich Crowdinvesting austauschen sowie untereinander vernetzen können. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Forum geschaffen, welches die nationalen und den europäischen Gesetzgeber bei zukünftigen Gesetzesvorhaben und Gesetzesreformvorhaben auf wissenschaftlicher Basis informiert. Das 2. Crowdinvesting Symposium an der LMU München fand am 4. Juli 2014 unter dem Motto "After Crowdinvesting: Anschlussfinanzierung, Exit Strategien und Verwässerungsschutz" an der LMU München statt.


VO Grundlagen der Produktion und Logistik SS 2011:Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Grundlagen der Produktion und Logistik" (336.151, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Peter Greistorfer)Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Grundlagen der Produktion und Logistik" (336.151, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.o...

VO Grundlagen der Produktion und Logistik SS 2011

Screencasts der Lehrveranstaltung "Grundlagen der Produktion und Logistik" (336.151, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Peter Greistorfer)


Erie:Tristam Cheeseman


The recordings of Cameron Hartford are a look into a truly incredible chapter in the history of America, the world, and Toledo in particular. Presented for the first time unedited and in full, after being acquired from the Toledo Police Department, these recordings shine a light on one of the most enduring stories told in recent memory. Cameron Hartford, a Cairo, Ohio native who was going to the University of Toledo, witnessed the sudden unearthing of the Erie Temple from Lake Erie. From there, he met new friends, explored the ancient temple, studied and witnessed the discovery of magic and, eventually, became a pivotal figure in the history of America and Toledo. His recordings are the true him, a look into a man who delved into mystery and was never the same. If you or any of your friends have tips on the whereabouts of Cameron Hartford or any of his close associates, please send them to www.ohio.gov/oec. WARNING: These recordings are not suitable for children under ten or school settings.


台南語  爽!Podcast:Mr. SU

台南語 爽!Podcast

🇳🇱 Hallo, ik bin in podcaster út Taiwan. Tige tank foar jo harkjen 🇳🇱 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟‍♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結在下方 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064146040213 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👺👻👹👽👿😺 爽 ! Podcast 年度商品 👋👋👋👋 武功堂 隱漫娘 👍👍👍👍 刺繡薩克斯風背帶 有吹薩克斯風朋友不要錯過 喔 !!!! 👋👋👋👋在搖滾玩家樂器全新上市了喔!!!!👍👍👍👍 💰⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇這裡購買喔 !!! https://shopee.tw/product/5163771/21573368163?gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN77pbrTIwcv-u3MREXPFVZP-93-pdIDQWFoS6OBYAoCJQtzkH6IWcRoCe1kQAvD_BwE 💰⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆這裡購買喔 !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //////甘願乎人聽咱的靈魂跳舞 也不要我們的人生佇遐咧馬馬虎虎\\\\\\\ This is a podcast dedicated to learning new, advanced words for the Taiwanese language『 Tâi gí 』. or if you just want to add a little spicy pretense to your everyday conversation, this is the podcast for you. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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