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The Holistic Hippie Podcast

Author: Jessi Hoey

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With chronic disease and mental health conditions on the rise, more and more people are looking to holistic health practices to combat the negative impacts of living in the modern world. The host of this show is Jessi, aka The Holistic Hippie, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner and Student of Core Shamanism and Ceremonial Plant-Medicine. Jessi spent over 10 years struggling with her physical and mental health which is what has inspired her to pursue a career in wellness and why she is so deeply passionate about inspiring others to transform their own health & well-being. This is definitely not your average Health & Wellness podcast. Jessi is obsessed with spiritual growth and transformation and she created this show as a catalyst for collective change; a way for us to "do the work" together and to connect in a conscious community. Every week she delves into a new topic which she explores through the lens of holistic living, sharing openly and honestly from her own experiences. She prides herself on being real and sharing the things that most people won't in order to bring to light the fact that none of us are alone on this journey. If you are ready to take responsibility for your physical, mental, and spiritual health and move from surviving to truly thriving in this life, this is the podcast for you!
26 Episodes
In this episode I have the honor to interview Ceremonial Mushroom Facilitator & Micro-Dose Coach Jenn (@entheojenn_) and we start to unpack the stigma around mushrooms and dive into the company she works with, ZumGarden, in the role of Micro-Dose Coach. We get into some of Jenn's private, ceremonial work and all that comes with it as well as the powerful transformative potential that comes with working with mushrooms. We could have talked for hours, so stay tuned for part 2. In the meanti...
What does it mean to be living your purpose? In this short episode, I discuss a simplistic approach to understanding your purpose and how to live with deeper truth and meaning. I share concepts of feeling unworthy or being afraid to take up space and talk about how to unlearn what we have learned early on in life in order to step into a greater level of experience now. What if you are your purpose?As always I love hearing from you and look forward to connecting with you over instagram or face...
In this episode I speak about a recent change in perspective that I've had around beauty and fitness. I ditched make-up years ago in pursuit of inner self love vs. drawing my sense of self worth from what I looked like. It seemed a natural next step on my yogic journey, and really fits in to the philosophy 'pratyahara' which is the withdrawal of the senses. This is a process of withdrawing from that which is external in order to surrender into the deeper, more introspective practices of yoga....
In this episode we talk, very carefully, about considering the idea that some of the anxiety that we experience as a collective and individually may actually be a sign that you are empathically absorbing the emotions and energies of those around you. It is so difficult to speak to mental health and mental illness in a nuanced way, so the disclaimer here is that the topic of this episode does not in any way undermine your experiences with anxiety, depression, or mental health in gene...
This episode was inspired by a conversation with one of you amazing listeners over instagram chat and I decided to record an episode about the topic of discussion - money! With gas prices rising it seemed a reasonable time to share about the financial trauma my partner and I endured early on in our relationship, and how we have redefined our relationship with money. I'll admit, money can be a cringy topic. Something that I have never personally cared too much about, until I had none and ...
In this episode I speak about a recent situation & experience that led her to some deeper insights about my own journey. I briefly outline the energetic chakra system as a structure to look at our emotional, psychological development, revisiting the experiences we've had as children in order to reframe our belief system as adults. Learn more about the chakras are here, and start to dive deeper into your own behaviours, beliefs, and life shaping experiences. As always, whenever I shar...
According to Yoga Philosophy, there are 5 main obstacles, or kleshas, on the spiritual path. These serve as an amazing framework for our own personal journey through life and seem just as relevant now as they were thousands of years ago. In this episode, Jessi goes over the 5 kleshas, describing them and sharing personal stories that help to demonstrate how they may be at play in our own lives. It is important to understand that Yoga is not a religion, it is a philosophy and a mental science ...
This episode comes with a trigger warning because even the title has the potential to set you off if you're experiencing a challenging time. In this episode I invite you to set aside your current paradigm and try on something new, even if just for a moment. A new way of thinking, of being, of perceiving, and of experiencing your life. Tune in for what felt like a long rambling rant about how everything that has happened to you, is happening now, and will ever happen to you is for your greates...
In this episode I share my present reflections on the stage of growth that I am currently shifting into, while observing the many stages of growth & development. I discuss the concept of chasing happiness vs. inner peace and I introduce the 5 Klesha's, which are in Yoga Philosophy as the 5 obstacles on our path that create suffering; Ignorance, Egoism, Attachment, Aversion, and Fear of Death. This episode is an open contemplation on what it means to take responsibility for our emotions an...
In this episode, I share a bit more about my experience with body dysmorphia, disordered eating, dis-ease, mental health, and how it's all connected to diet & nutrition. I speak about the journey I have been on with food and how I've had to change the way I look at things in order to fall into a more harmonious way of eating. For me, diet is the spiritual practice of nourishment and I have entirely changed my perspective. I was the least likely person to ever become a Holistic Nutri...
In this episode I discuss the idea of conscious relationships, inviting awareness into all of your relationships whether they are intimate, familial, or friendships. It is said that how we do one thing is how we do all things, so how are you showing up in your relationships? It took me experiencing 4 different emotionally & physically abusive relationships to pull myself out of victim mode and realize that I was the common denomenator. The real work begins with cultivating a radical sense...
In this episode, Jessi talks about her experiences with medicinal plants like psilocybin, ayahuasca, and DMT. She describes her journies with these substances and talks a bit about what is possible when we work with these plants in an intentional way. There is such a stigma around plant medicine because our Western culture tends to abuse substances and we are missing the ceremonial aspects that have been used traditionally by Shamanic cultures and tribes across the world. Looking for a cheap ...
What exactly is healing? What does it mean to heal and what do we need to heal from? There are so many buzzwords going around in the health & wellness industries, and a friend asked me recently "what does it even mean to heal?". I thought this was such a great question to unpack on the pod. This episode goes over the definition of "trauma" and unpacks different situations and scenarios that one may need to heal from. Healing itself is not a linear process and there is no one modality that...
In this episode Jessi shares a story from one of her favourite spiritual teachers of all time, Ram Dass, and breaks down his term "phony holy" in reference to those types of people that claim to be "holier than thou" or spiritually superior. She also defines and unpacks this concept of Spiritual Bypassing that has been circulating in the spiritual scene for a while. This episode is really all about learning to be discerning and to ultimately trust yourSelf above anyone else. The spiritual "in...
In this episode, Jessi talks about these concepts of triggers & boundaries and shares her perspective on how boundaries are training wheels, and triggers are teachers. As always, she tells personal stories of her own life to help bring these concepts to life and to inspire you to see how these things play out in your own experience. When we are able to grow beyond our need for boundaries and to experience our triggers as the most valued teachers in our life, we have the potential to ...
Happy New Year friends! This episode came out after a comment on an IG post I put up this week all about how we are constantly creating & influencing our reality, whether we realize it or not. A comment came up about how "you make it sound so easy, but it's actually really hard work" and I thought that was such a perfect segway into an episode. This episode is all about simplifying the process of manifesting your reality. As always, I share personal stories about my experiences with ...
So, you're on this spiritual path and you start to realize that certain people or relationships really trigger you and you think you need to start cutting people out of your life left, right, and center... sound familiar? In this episode, I share some of my insights on how we can overcome roadblocks like these on our path. Sometimes it is important for us to set these boundaries for a time, while we are growing into our Higher Selves, but it doesn't have to be the end destination. In fact - t...
I've wanted to speak about current events for months now, but I've needed to allow the current global events to transform me. Join me in this grounded conversation about how C-19 can be a powerful catalyst regardless of what side you're on in this pandemic. My intention is to take this conversation above the level of politics, above the level of public health, and into the realms of spirit and consciousness. In this episode, I invite you to set your paradigms aside. To park your beliefs ...
Episode 8: Shadow Work

Episode 8: Shadow Work


It's a pretty big buzz in the spiritual realms this whole concept of "shadow work" but what exactly does it mean? In this episode, I break down for you what is your shadow and how to actually take steps to work with it. As always, I share my own experiences in order to add depth to the concepts and really bring them to life. After all, our very LIFE is our mission and purpose and so we need not look any further. When we are able to open up to our shadow, to hold it lovingly alongside our ligh...
In this episode I talk about the myriad of ways that we can begin to shift our perception to see our diet and way of eating as a spiritual practice, and also to consider our diet to encompass everything we consume including media, music, conversation, thought forms, etc. I cover a number of different ways that I began looking at diet differently and offer advice on little shifts that you can make to start seeing things a bit differently. To master the diet is truly to master the mind, and so ...
Comments (1)


Just found this podcast and I'm really enjoying the episodes so far. Thanks for creating this.

Jul 19th
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