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You Need a Coach B*tch
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You Need a Coach B*tch

Author: Chris Hale

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In this weekly podcast, Certifed Coach Instructor Chris Hale keeps it real and sassy  to help you claim your own authority and put the biggest, brightest, most unapologetic version of yourself out into the world. 

101 Episodes
Pick Your Pain

Pick Your Pain


This episode is a sanctuary for those grappling with tough decisions, offering an embrace of self-compassion as we discuss 'picking your pain'—a mantra for intentionally choosing our challenges and the life we yearn for. Join me as I unpack the complexities of juggling personal crises with staying connected to those we hold dear. We confront the inner critic that often amplifies our doubts, sharing insights on how to nurture our emotional well-being amidst the trials we face. There's a candid...
Lean Into You

Lean Into You


This week's topic is all about having the courage to show up in our fullness. Leaning into you means not being afraid to feel anything that might come up as a result of being more true to who we are more often and in more spaces. Join me as I talk through the inspiraton for this episode right from my very own life. I also provide a framework for you to get closer to yourself so that you can truly be the best support system for yourself as you lift the veil on who you are deep inside.&nb...
As the year unfolds, I've been wrestling with an uninvited companion: my inner critic. But instead of trying to kick it out, I found that getting to know it—understanding where it's coming from and why it's so relentless—can actually change the game. In our latest episode, we navigate the tricky terrain of self-criticism, exploring its roots and the societal pressures that feed it. It's about turning that criticism into constructive, critical thinking and celebrating our wins just as mu...
Have you ever considered that the right question might just be the key to unlocking your potential? Journey with me as we harness the art of inquiry to change the quality of our thoughts and emotions. For anyone struggling with overthinking, I share strategies that are both gentle and effective in reshaping your mindset. Get ready to be your own coach. From personal anecdotes to actionable self-coaching techniques, this episode is an invitation to deepen your self-awareness and strengthen the...
Internalized Stigma

Internalized Stigma


In this episode I cast a light on the invisible struggles of those of us with internalized stigma in a world that's slow to adapt. By sharing actionable insights and my therapist's 'unmasking' technique, this episode is a call to action for compassionate change and self-advocacy. From the personal to the systemic, we confront the pressing need for inclusive environments that recognize and accommodate diverse experiences. Join me, your host, as we navigate the nuanced journey of em...
Weakness or Limitation

Weakness or Limitation


In this episode we discuss the distinction between temporary weaknesses that can be improved and inherent limitations that may require acceptance and mourning is explored. This part of the conversation underscores the importance of self-compassion and setting realistic expectations in the face of personal limitations.I hope to highlight that medication, for some, is not a sign of weakness but a vital part of managing one's mental health. By sharing these candid experiences, I ncourages listen...
Alright, listen up, folks! Today, I've got Kristen Carder, the badass ADHD expert and host of the "I Have ADHD" podcast, joining me for a real talk about adulting with ADHD. We're ripping off the mask of societal expectations and getting real about the struggles of those of us who've mastered the art of hiding our ADHD struggles behind a facade of so-called normalcy.Kristen drops some truth bombs as we dive into the paradox of sharp minds shackled by inconsistent performance. She shares her j...
Join me on a fearless exploration of vulnerability. From facing a daunting stage to embracing our quirks, I reveal how dropping the armor cultivates genuine connection. Let's lean into discomfort, own our imperfections, and find our tribe. Together, let's unlock the power of authenticity. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consultLinkTree
Indulgent Emotions

Indulgent Emotions


Strap in as we dissect the concept of indulgent emotions—those tricky, sticky feelings that can trap us in quicksand, stalling our momentum. It's a journey through the murky waters of the emotional states that can halt us in our tracks, and a call to arms to confront them with bravery and introspection. By sharing my own struggles and triumphs, I hope to inspire you to take a magnifying glass to your own life. Join the conversation on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, where I'm all ears and re...
This week's chat examines the complexities of routine disruptions, the nuances of financial success in coaching, and the pivotal role of personal effort. We dissect the discussion about the coaching industry stirred by Reddit critiques and confront the industry's pattern of coaches coaching coaches, while emphasizing the significance of self-awareness in choosing the right coach for your journey.Embarking on a quest to pinpoint exactly what kind of coaching support will spark your growt...
Shame Based Marketing

Shame Based Marketing


In this episode, we explore the negative impact of shame-based marketing, particularly within the coaching and self-development industry. I discuss how this approach exploits individuals' insecurities by highlighting personal shortcomings to sell solutions, and reflect on my own past use of such tactics. We need a more empathetic approach that understands the reasons behind behaviors without judgment. Learn how to seek out coaches who promote positive change without shaming and emphasize the ...
The online space is filled with people selling you potential results. The truth is a small fraction of the people who buy into those offers fail. And it's because they were never sold on the reality of change. Reaching the end goal is filled with a lot of effort, energy, and brain BS. But that does not make a catchy IG caption. Come along as I walk you through what it actually looks like to make the small shifts through coaching that will eventually lead you to inevitable results instead of m...
How To Listen

How To Listen


We all just want to be heard, but then who is doing the listening? In this episode I teach you how to use the skill of listening that I have developed as a coach to connect to the people in your life. Whether you are at a party interacting with new people or trying to resolve conflict with a loved one, listening from an open and curios place is going to serve the relationship in a powerful way. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consul...
Story vs. Facts

Story vs. Facts


In this episode, I am breaking down one of the most powerful foundational tools that I use with my clients. Story vs. Facts is a way to show us the gap between the actual factual events in our lives and the meaning we make surrounding them. I walk you through this process so that you can explore your mind from a new lens. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consultLinkTree
We are almost two weeks into the new year, and it's about the time that people start losing steam on their goals. This could be because you set them from a place of self-criticism, believing that you were just trying to improve yourself and your life. Join me as we unpack the why behind your goals to make sure they are coming from a self-affirming place and not as a punishment. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consultLinkTree
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love


What is unconditional love and how do we experience it? In this episode, I break down what I believe it means to have unconditional love for ourselves and others. We also discuss the fact that adult relationships are conditional and how to navigate loving someone through the deal breakers. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consultLinkTree
It's been six months since I got my official ADHD diagnosis, and I wanted to share some of the most important developments. Discussing all things grief, what has been affirming, and what it has been like to unmask. If you are late diagnosed, I hope this episode speaks to you and that you see some positive representation in me. And if you are wondering whether to seek out a diagnosis, I give you some questions to consider before doing so. Where to find me: Connect wit...
Endings are a great time to reflect on what has happened in our lives. As we go into a new year, it can be tempting just to look ahead and focus on the "brand new you" that you want to inhabit, but doing that without taking stock of all that you have accomplished can mean that you aren't set up for success down the road. In this episode, I am walking you through some fun questions that will help reveal what you valued in 2023 and what you want to focus on as we conclude this year. The D...
Balance Is A Myth.

Balance Is A Myth.


So many of us are trying to achieve a sense of balance in our lives. How do we juggle our work, home, social, and personal lives in a way that gives us a sense of peace? Well, we start by accepting that balance is a myth. We will never create a fixed permanent state of equilibrium. This is okay, but if we keep chasing it, we will end up burning ourselves out in its pursuit. In this episode, we will look at redefining what balance means for you and how to use our values to lean into all the mo...
Feedback Feedback, Oh.

Feedback Feedback, Oh.


We are getting feedback from others and the world around us at all times. How we engage with the feedback determines a lot in regard to how we grow. In this episode, I walk you through a moment of feedback that I got from a rider at SoulCycle and what it has taught me about my ability to let in the thoughts and opinsions of others more globally in my life. Where to find me: Connect with me on Instagram Check out my website Sign up for a free consultLinkTree
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