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Keep Going...

Author: Judy Burfict

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My podcast will be a series of messages to encourage individuals to Keep Going and not give up in life. They are messages of encouragement, inspiration and transformation. The podcast is primarily a derivative of the Keep Going messages found in my book, "Keep Going...Because Life Goes On.

63 Episodes
Many individuals today continue to grapple with the pain of emotional and mental health issues, from depression, anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, worry, to the more complicated personality disorders. These are issues that have existed since the beginning of humankind and the complications of them continue to reach new heights every day.There are those who struggle with these mental and emotional issues day after day, seeking and searching for answers to their dilemma. And though som...
So many people are going through life with serious exhaustion and they don't always understand why. We are living in a time and in a society where everyone seems to be on the go and our bodies are suffering because of it.One of the culprits of this seemingly never ending tiredness, is a lack of sleep. Sometimes, out of habit, we take sleep for granted. We create unhealthy sleep patterns without realizing the effect it has on our body, mind, and spirit.God has given us a wond...
The month of May marks the month that many come together in Prayer as we acknowledge the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of the month. It also marks the month for awareness for Mental Health and is called Mental Health Month. Many studies have been conducted to determine the power of prayer in dealing with mental and emotional health issues such as depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, anger and despair. It has been noted and concluded in many of these studie...
Are you good at making excuses? Is it challenging to make decisions that will move you toward purpose? Do you allow your good excuses to hinder your good intentions?We all know that excuses will cause you not to take action. And so, you find yourself drifting through life with no sense of direction or purpose. In fact, some might feel as if they are going around in one big circle. Nothing started, nothing completed.Today's episode will help iden...
Are you living your life with intention or are you just drifting through life? Often we don’t live with intention due to a lack of clarity of what we desire in life, and what God desires of us. And because of this lack of clarity, it is easy to just begin to drift. We then sink into a routine of just living a mediocre life, waking up everyday with the same routine, same habits, never seeking to change to live the abundant life that Jesus promises us.Living with i...
We live in a society today where it seems we are so busy that we only have time to take care of our individual needs. But have you taken the time to see how your life can have even more meaning when you take time to think about how your life is impacting others?There are so many things going on in our world today. We sometimes can feel overwhelmed and think that it really does not matter what we do, or whether it will serve any purpose or make a difference. And so, we resign...
This month we have focused on Springing Into Action by Taking Care of Our Bodies. The focus has been on the significance of decluttering our minds just as we declutter our living spaces. When we have noise in our minds, that is, allowing others to occupy our headspace, we become cluttered with worry which creates illnesses, ailments, aches and pains in our bodies. After all, Proverbs 23:7, says..."as a man thinketh so is he."Not only does excessive worry take its toll on our...
As we continue our focus this month on Springing Into Action: Taking Care of Our Bodies, I wanted to talk about this week on how we allow unwanted visitors in our minds to affect the wellness of our bodies.Two of the greatest battles we face each day are the food we eat and the lack of exercise our bodies get. Yes, the food we eat, especially the processed food, has a lot to be desired and it is a great contributor to the lack of energy we have to create and maintain a daily exercise re...
Spring is not just a time to declutter and clean our living spaces or our surroundings, it is also a time to refocus. The warmer weather and sunshine brings us out of our winter hibernation, where our thoughts have sometimes also hibernated. Just as our homes can become cluttered, so can our minds. And when our minds are cluttered, it affects our bodies and when our bodies are out of sync, it can affect our whole being, including our spiritual being. We are triune indi...
This month’s focus has been on A World in Need Of Love. I think we all agree that life is so much better when we live with an attitude of love. Sometimes, unfortunately, many individuals have not learned how to love or even receive love from others, thereby missing out on the greatest emotion we can ever have and that is to love and be loved. Many individuals expressed their love this month to others in various ways. In this episode we will share one of the ways God expresses His l...
This is the month of February as you know and people everywhere will be celebrating with expressions of love demonstrated in different ways from, candy, roses and other flowers, dinners, gifts and so many other ways. Excitement is brewing for many because of this special day called Valentine’s Day! It has been called the most romantic day of the year. And even if romance is not currently in your picture, Valentine day is a day and opportunity to express love in all of our relationships....
This is the month of February! The month so many look forward to because February is what we call the “LOVE” month. The month when many demonstrate there love towards others in various ways. Many are lavished with gifts, flowers, candy and other demonstrations of their love.So this month we will focus on A World in Need of Love. Simply because when we look at the state of things going on in the world today, we realize that the cure that is needed is love. It becomes more dif...
This week's podcast will encourage you to start the New Year Believing Good!We are living in a time where there is much focus on believing in oneself. We hear it in our professions, motivational speakers, in social media and just society in general placing much emphasis on if you want to achieve, you must first believe that you can. And yes, it is important that we we believe in ourselves. It is important if we are to grow, achieve and succeed in this life. Believing i...
This is a new year! Another opportunity to get off on a “good foot,” as the saying goes. Our last podcast message was titled, “Start the New Year Thinking Good.” The message today will help us to, “Start the New Year Speaking Good.” How do you speak to yourself? Is it negative or is it positive? Are your words making you better? What kind of conversations are you having with yourself?How do you speak to others? Is it with kindness? With love? Are you communicatin...
As we look back on 2023, we want to make sure that we are thankful in all circumstances because that is the will of God. We have so much to be grateful for. God kept us throughout the year or 2023 and allowed us to see 2024.So the question is now, how do I want to start this New Year off? Hopefully, you left behind the things that were not serving you or anyone else and now you want to soar into this New Year. And you can, simply by Starting the Year Thinking Goo...
Is anxiety crippling your life? Are you allowing it to rob you of the joy God has promised that we could have? Are you anxious about what is happening in this world? In your personal life? Do you worry about what will happen tomorrow to the point you cannot enjoy today? You can't be present in the moment?This podcast message today is going to encourage you to leave anxiety behind and not carry it into 2024. It might have been a constant companion in 2023, but you can r...
As this year of 2023 draws to a close, many individuals are looking back, reflecting, taking inventory of how this year has gone for them. They look at what goals or commitments were met, changes that were made and how they would like to move into 2024.This is a time also when it becomes easy to see how you measure up. There is the tendency to compare ourselves against what others have accomplished or how they appear to have everything going for them because they look successful. You question...
Have you ever thought about what life would look like if you stayed in a thankful state of mind? How it could enhance your physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual lives?There are times when life doesn't go exactly the way you would like and you feel you don't have anything to be thankful for. But being thankful in all circumstances can greatly improve your quality of life, as well as those around you.This final message for the month of November admonishes you to t...
Today, the word INFLUENCER has become such a common word. Everyone, or at least many individuals, are desiring to be an influencer. They are seeking to impact their audience in various ways and for various reasons. Often, the influence is temporary and for many, it is on to the next best thing.And then there are those individuals who have a more permanent influence or impact on our lives. Those who left a print that you will always remember. It could be someone who is ...
Join in as we explore some of the hinderances that keep us from being thankful and living a grateful life. What do you do when things are not going the way you desire? What becomes your mindset when you don't get what you want or you feel life is not favoring you? Many individuals allow hinderances to rob them of the joy of having a thankful heart. We will take a look at a few hinderances such as self-pity, pride, envy, a sense of entitlement, grief, and anger, to beco...
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