为你读英语美文·第512期主播:雲昊录制地点:西安小时候我喜欢和蓓蒂一起爬屋顶,瓦片温热,眼里是半个卢湾区,蓓蒂是我的邻居,喜欢弹钢琴,当时只有4岁,那样的午后是我对童年永远的记忆,时光如水,把人和事带来又一并带走,这些年被带走的又何止蓓蒂一个。大暑之后必要大寒。一定记住,这是规律。After the period of Great Heat comes the inevitable Great Cold. Bear this in mind as an inviolable law.外行看门面,内行看后门。Outsiders judge by appearances, insiders by what lies behind the scenes.你以为吃的是龙虾,实际上吃的是机会,一只龙虾就是一个机会。不是在应酬,就是在求人。What you perceive as indulging in lobster is, in reality, partaking of opportunity; each lobster represents a chance. It's not merely socializing but often seeking favors.凡事,总要留一手。In all things, always keep a backup plan.纽约的帝国大厦晓得吧?从底下跑到屋顶,要一个钟头,从屋顶跳下来,只要八点八秒,这就是股票。想从股票上赚钱,先学会输。Know the Empire State Building in New York? It takes an hour to run up from the bottom to the top, yet only 8.8 seconds to fall from the roof – such is the nature of stocks. To make money from stocks, first learn to lose.上海人做生意,讲究派头、噱头、苗头。Shanghainese in business value style, novelty, and promising signs.一个男人应该有多少个钱包?三只。第一只就是你实际有多少钱。第二只就是你的信用,人家钱包里的钞票你可以调动多少。第三只就是人家认为你有多少钱。How many wallets should a man have? Three. The first contains your actual wealth. The second represents your credit, the amount of cash in others' wallets that you can mobilize. The third signifies the perception of your wealth by others.只有看到未来,才会有未来。Only by envisioning the future can one create a future.首饰跟男人一样,将就不如不要。Jewelry, much like men, is better avoided altogether than settled for less.男女之事,源自天地时利,差一分一厘,就是空门。The intricacies between men and women derive from favorable time and place; any slight deviation leads to emptiness.市场永远是对的,错的只有自己。冲得太快,逃得太慢,肯定是要吃瘪。头顶在肩膀上,脚长在自己身上,只要保护好自己,机会永远比风险大。The market is always right; the fault lies with oneself. Charging ahead too fast or retreating too slow guarantees setbacks. With one's head on one's shoulders and feet firmly planted, safeguarding oneself ensures opportunities will always outweigh risks.做生意不是比谁赚得多,要看谁活得长,不要想着一步登天,要一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打。Business is not about who makes the most money, but who lasts the longest. Avoid the temptation of instant success; take steady steps, firm and methodical.做生意,首先要学会两个字:不响。不知道的,说不清楚的,没想好、没规划的,为难自己、为难别人的,都不响。做事情要留有余地,对吧。In business, master this word first: restraint. Do not speak on matters you're unsure of, unclear about, unplanned, or those that put undue strain on yourself or others. Always leave room for maneuvering.外贸就是借人家的鸡,生你自己的蛋,不过人家凭什么要把鸡借给你,帮你生蛋呢?Foreign trade is akin to borrowing someone else's hen to lay your eggs, but why would they lend it to you in the first place?现在讲究市场经济,搞市场就相信市场,是一块钱吃一杯茶,还是十块钱吃一杯茶,是人家的事情。不相信市场就像我们一样,太太平平过日子。In today's market economy, trust the market if you engage with it; whether someone pays one yuan or ten yuan for a cup of tea is their choice. Not believing in the market is like living a peaceful, uneventful life.资本市场报仇,只会叫你什么地方来什么地方去。The capital market deals retribution by sending you back to where you started.心可以热,但头一定要冷。Hearts can be passionate, but heads must remain cool.机会面前人人平等,抓住了机会就有可能改变人生。有人乘风而起,有人半日归零。Opportunity is equally available to all; seizing it can alter one's life trajectory. Some rise with the wind, while others see their gains vanish in half a day.有主张、搞得定、摆得平,最后还有一点,要输得起。Have convictions, handle situations effectively, maintain balance, and above all, be prepared to accept losses.人嘛,总要被一样东西套牢的。不是股票,就是房子。People are bound to be tied down by something; if not stocks, then it’s houses.自己看自己都好得不得了,都是人家的错,其实人家看你,浑身是毛病。乐观是好的,但最坏的打算还是要做的,什么事情都要未雨绸缪。Self-perception is often overly favorable; we blame others, but they might see us riddled with flaws. Optimism is good, but planning for the worst is essential in all things.出人头地就是一个被人教训的过程。Rising above the crowd is a process fraught with lessons taught by others.口气不要比力气大。One's boasts should not exceed their abilities.人人心里有杆秤,什么时候可以同富贵,什么时候可以共患难,心里多少都有数的。Each person carries an inner scale, knowing when to share prosperity and when to face adversity together.目标从来都不遥远,一步步,一天天,只管全力以赴,剩下的交给时间。Targets are never far off; take one step at a time, one day at a time, exert full effort, and leave the rest to time.人总要赶一头,要么走要么留,唯独不好后悔,后悔没药可救的。One must always choose a direction, either to move forward or stay, but regrets are futile; there's no cure for them.人情就是欠来欠去的,就跟刷墙一样,刷过来刷过去,所以这个人情才会越来越深厚。Human relations are built upon reciprocal debts, like brushing paint back and forth, which deepens bonds over time.哪里有那么多真的假的,眼前看到的就是真的,走掉的都是假的。There's not much true or false; what's seen before you is real, and what's gone is irrelevant.当时我看不清楚她的样子,十年以后,我还是没有看清她的样子,但我看清了自己。At that time, I couldn't see her clearly, and even ten years later, I hadn't fully discerned her appearance, but I had gained clarity about myself.蟋蟀再勇敢,牙齿再尖,斗到最后,还是输的,要死的,人也是一样。Even the bravest cricket with the sharpest teeth eventually loses the fight and meets its demise; the same applies to humans.为什么我不可以是自己的码头?27号不是我的码头,宝总也不是,我是我自己的码头。Why can't I be my own harbor? Number 27 isn't my harbor, nor is Bao; I am my own harbor.宁敲金钟一记,不打破鼓千声。Better to strike a single golden bell than to beat a thousand drums in vain.关山难越,闯过去是扬眉吐气,又一程山高水远,闯不过去变成了教训,警示后来人。Mountains and rivers are hard to traverse; overcoming them brings pride and triumph, but failure turns into a lesson for posterity.今天的太阳,晒不到明天的衣裳。时间,决定一切。Today's sun won't shine on tomorrow's clothes; time determines everything.在老天爷看来,都是必然的。一种选择,一种人生,不是你晓得对跟错,就能够逃得掉的。In the eyes of fate, everything is predestined. Every choice leads to a different life, and understanding right from wrong doesn't exempt one from facing consequences.人生两个问题,第一,找到问题,第二,把它解决掉。Life presents two questions: first, identify the problem; second, solve it.天气不会一直好下去的,人不会一直占上风的。The weather will not always be favorable, nor will people consistently hold the upper hand.翻译:通义千问繁华落尽,皆是过眼云烟。而你,却选择与我们共度这一瞬。每一篇流转于唇齿间的英文篇章,像一帧帧泛黄的老照片,记载着岁月的情愫与哲思,每一句轻声细语的朗读,都是对你独一无二存在的回应。我们或许从未谋面,但透过电波,彼此之间仿佛建立起一种无法言喻的默契,仿若电影胶片上的光影斑驳,又如旧时唱片机里流淌出的复古旋律。谢谢你赠予美文电台这一份安静的关注,因为你,每一期节目才找到了归宿。在这个不设防的世界里,你选择了走进来,让我们的声音成为你生活中的某种注解,某种安慰,某种期盼。愿你继续在我们的陪伴下,找到属于自己的都市寓言,书写属于自己的人生剧本,在时间的隙缝里绽放成永恒的繁花。这里是为你读英语美文,感谢您的收听,我是雲昊,新春快乐,have a nice day.▎背景音乐Polonaise - 梅林茂Sorekara Epilogue I – Kokuhaku - 梅林茂Dark Chariot - 梅林茂2046 Main Theme - 梅林茂Love Theme II - 梅林茂▎主播介绍雲昊:软件工程博士后,研究生导师后期制作:雲昊文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是:“为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第511期主播:John录制地点:纽约John McAuley是严喆本科时的外教,曾在2015年为我们带来过第69期节目《The Daffodil Principle水仙花法则》,第120期《回顾2015》,2016年第144期《毕业赠言》,2018年《我为什么而活》。John曾在联合国总部工作,后来分别在非洲,日本,大连,台湾,香港工作和生活过,现在回到了家乡纽约。从大连到上海,再到德国,这十多年来,严喆从本科读到博士,如今以访问学者的身份往返于中国和德国,也一直和John保持着亦师亦友的联系。当严喆读到I Still Matter 这首诗的时候,曾研究养老课题的他十分触动,我们终将老去,但我们将以什么样的心态面对衰老?John今年72岁,有着丰富的人生阅历,邀请他读这首诗再合适不过。严喆在德国沟通,John在美国朗读,永清在中国后期。跨越三个大洲,三个不同的时区,有了这期节目。做完后期,John听完节目后,发来信息:Thank you for reconnecting again, Yongqing and Yanzhe. I greatly enjoy my occasional collaboration with you. You chose a very poignant poem for your latest broadcast, and I believe it will touch the hearts of many. May the good effects of the work you do return to you a thousand times over! Your connected, but unmet friend,John McA.I Still Matter 《我依然重要》作者:Patricia A Fleming I'm still here 我还在这里My looks are nothing special,My face reveals my age,My body shows some wear and tear,And my energy's not the same.我的长相并无特别之处、我的容颜暴露了我的年龄、我的身体有些磨损精力不济Too often my memory fails me,And I lose things all the time.One minute I know what I plan to do,And the next it may just slip my mind.我的记忆经常出错我总是丢三落四前一分钟我还知道要做什么下一秒就可能忘得一干二净。I try hard to avoid my mirror.There are things I would rather not see,And even those times when I just catch a glimpse,I can no longer recognize me.我努力避免照镜子有些事情我不想看到即使我只是瞥了一眼我已经认不出自己了The things I used to do with easeCan now cause aches and pains,And the quality of the things I doWill never be quite the same.我过去轻而易举地做的事情现在也会引起疼痛、我做事情的质量永远不会再像从前一样。I always compare my older selfTo those younger versions of me,And I know I'm wasting too much timeMissing who I used to be.我总是拿年老的自己与年轻时的自己相比我知道我浪费了太多时间怀念曾经的自己But the thing that really makes me sadIs despite what people see,Underneath my tattered, worn out shell,I'm still the same old me.但真正让我难过的是尽管人们看到在我破烂不堪的外表下我还是原来的我My heart can still feel endless love,And at times it still can ache.My heart can fill with so much joy,And then it can suddenly break.我的心依然能感受到无尽的爱有时也会心痛我的心可以充满欢乐然后突然破碎My soul can still feel sympathyAnd longs for forgiveness and peace,And there are times its light shines boldly through,And times when it longs for release.我的灵魂仍能感到同情渴望宽恕与和平有时它的光芒也会肆意闪耀也有渴望释放的时候。It's true, maybe now that I'm older,Feeling lonely may be status quo,But it also has made me more willingTo forgive and let past conflicts go.这是真的,也许现在我老了、感到孤独可能是现状、但这也让我更愿意原谅和放下过去的冲突。So maybe to some I look ugly and old,A person who barely exists.I'm still quite aware of the beauty inside,And my value should not be dismissed.也许在某些人看来,我又老又丑、一个几乎不存在的人。但我仍然很清楚自己的内在美、我的价值不应被忽视。So although not as strong and no beauty, it's true,I'm still here and want so much to live,And I know that there's no one in this world quite like me,And no one who has more to give.所以,尽管我不再强壮,不再美丽,但这是事实、我仍在这里,我很想活下去、我知道这个世界上没有人像我一样、也没有人可以比我给予更多。▎背景音乐是枝裕和《步履不停》《时间都去哪了》钢琴曲Barbra Streisand-Memory特别感谢:严喆,后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 往期回顾 | 第69期主播:严喆,John录制地点:柏林,2015年2月John McAuley是严喆在大连读本科时的外教。2015年,严喆前往柏林留学,当时定居香港的John到柏林游玩,在严喆的邀请下,John录制了这期节目The Daffodil Principle。这篇文章,是大学时,John推荐给严喆的。9年过去了,随着生活阅历的的增加,再次读起这篇文章,对“水仙花法则“有了更深的感触:Learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time—often just one baby step at a time—and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.那就是,懂得向我们的目标迈进,只求一步一个脚印——懂通常一次就一小步——懂得去热爱正在做的事,懂得利用时间的积累。当我们把时间的碎片叠加,再加上每天的一点努力,我们会发现我们也能成就辉煌。我们也能改变这个世界。9年过去了,John 72岁,回到了纽约。他将再一次做客“为你读英语美文”,为我们带来美文,就在下期,敬请期待哦。The Daffodil Principle《水仙花法则》Several times my daughter had telephoned me to say, "Dad, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over. "I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead.好几次了,我女儿打电话来说: “爸爸,你务必得在那些水仙花凋谢之前来看看它们。”我是想去,可从拉古娜到箭头湖要开两个小时的车。"I will come next Tuesday, "I promised, a little reluctantly, after her third call.“那我下周二去吧。”在她第三次打来电话时,我极不情愿地答应道。Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I reluctantly drove there.到了那个周二,清晨很冷又下着雨,不过既然答应了, 我还是开车去了。When I finally walked into Carolyn's house, I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.等我终于到了卡罗琳家,拥抱问候过我的外孙们,说:"Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in the clouds and fog, there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch! "“卡罗琳,别想那水仙了!天阴又有雾,路都看不清。这世上除了你和这些孩子,没有什么能让我为想去看他们再开一步车了!”My daughter smiled calmly and said, "We drive in this all the time, dad."女儿平静地笑着说:“爸爸,我们一直都在这种天气里开车 的呀!”"Well, you won’t get me back on the road until it clears, and then I’m heading for home! "I told her.“那反正你甭想让我再开车上路了,除非天晴了,然后我就直接开车回家!”我重申道。"But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks," Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this."“但首先我们要去看水仙花。就几个街区而已,”卡罗琳说。“我来开。我已经习惯了。”"Carolyn," I said, "please turn around."“卡罗琳,”说,“请你掉头回去。”"It’s all right, dad, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."“没事的,爸爸,我保证。如果你错过了这次经历,你永远不会原谅自己的。”After about 20 minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand-lettered sign that read, Daffodil Garden.大概过了 20分钟,我们转到了一条碎石小路上,我看到一个小教堂。在教堂的稍远一侧,我看见一个手写的牌子,上面写着:“水仙花园”。We got out of the car and each took a child’s hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and gasped. 我们走下车,一人领着一个孩子。我跟着卡罗琳顺小道而行, 转到小道的一角,我抬头一看,惊住了。Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swathes of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.在我面前是极为壮观的景象,看上去仿佛有人把一大缸金子倾倒下来,覆盖了峰顶和山坡。那些花栽种成宏伟的漩涡图案——宽宽窄窄的条纹有很多颜色,有深橘、白、柠檬黄、橙红、番红和乳黄。每种不同色系的 多种颜色种植为一组,这样看上去每组都用自己独特的色调一圈 圈地在自己的河流中流淌。那有五亩花。"Who did this?" I asked Carolyn. “这是谁种的呢?”我问卡罗琳。"Just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house. On the patio, we saw a poster, said, "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking”, that was the headline.“就一个女人,”卡罗琳回答, “她就以这片花为生。那是她的家。”卡罗琳指着一个整修得很好的A字形房子,在一片壮丽的景象当中,这房子看起来小而朴素。我走到房子跟前,在院子里我看到一张海报,标题是“答案我知道你要问的这些问题”。The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read.第一个答案很简单,写着:“50,000株”。The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and very little brain."第二个答案是:“一次种一株,一个女人,两只手,两只脚,不需多动脑。”The third answer was, "Began in 1958."第三个答案是:“开始于1958年”For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, whom more than 35 years before, had begun—one bulb at a time—to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top.对于我,那一刻是一次改变生活的经历。我在琢磨这个我从未谋面的女人,她在35年前,开始一次种一株——给她自己带来了美的景象和花满山顶的快乐。Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration.就这样一次种一株,年复一年,这个不知名的女人永远地 改变了她所居住的世界,她创造了无法形容的壮丽、美好和感动。The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration. That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time—often just one baby step at a time—and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time.在这个水仙花园中得出的定律是值得庆祝的最伟大的定律之一。那就是,懂得向我们的目标迈进,只求一步一个脚印——懂通常一次就一小步——懂得去热爱正在做的事,懂得利用时间的积累。When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.当我们把时间的碎片叠加,再加上每天的一点努力,我们会发现我们也能成就辉煌。我们也能改变这个世界。"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. " What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it ‘one bulb at a time’ through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"“ 这让我在某种意义上有点丧气。”我跟卡罗琳说,“ 如果我35年前有一个宏伟的目标,然后也像这样“一次种一株”地做下去,这些年我会有什么成就呢?想想我到底能做成什么!”My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said.女儿直截了当地总结了那天的收获。她说:“从明天开始。”She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use today?"她是对的。追忆昨天失去的时光是毫无意义的。吸取成功经验,而非悔不当初的方法是只问:“我今天怎么过好今天?”Use the Daffodil Principle. 运用水仙花原理Stop waiting.....停止等待….Until your car or home is paid offUntil you get a new car or homeUntil your kids leave the houseUntil you go back to schoolUntil you finish schoolUntil you clean the houseUntil you organize the garageUntil you clean off your deskUntil you lose 10 lbs.Until you gain 10 lbs.Until you get marriedUntil you get a divorceUntil you have kidsUntil the kids go to schoolUntil you retireUntil summerUntil springUntil winterUntil fallUntil you die...直到你的车贷房贷还清直到你有了新车或新家直到你的孩子离开家直到你回到学校直到你完成学业直到你打扫完房子直到你整理好车库直到你把桌子清理干净直到你减掉10磅。直到你体重增加10磅。直到你结婚直到你离婚直到你有了孩子直到孩子们上学直到你退休直到夏天直到春天直到冬天直到秋天直到你逝去…There is no better time than right now to be happy.Happiness is a journey, not a destination.So work like you don't need money.Love like you've never been hurt.Dance like no one's watching.没有比现在更幸福的时刻。幸福是一段旅程,而不是目的地。所以像不需要钱一样工作。爱,就像你从未受过伤害。跳舞,就像没人在看一样。Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!愿你有一个美丽的水仙花日!▎背景音乐広橋真紀子 - Some Day My Prince Will Come広橋真紀子 - 花によせて石进 - 花的微笑特别感谢:严喆,后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第510期主播:严喆同行的朋友你好,我是严喆,在这个年末的冬日像你问好。又是一年,正在收听节目的你这一年过的都好吗?不论你这一年收获满满抑或是仍有遗憾,我都希望你可以调整好心情去迎接新的一年,新的可能性和探索新的目的地。每年的冬天都是一个和圣诞有关的季节,在今年的圣诞特辑里,我想和大家分享一首圣诞主题的诗。这首诗叫做little tree,作者是美国著名诗人e.e. cummings。短小的诗句里透露出浓郁的圣诞气氛,让读者也能感受到隔着文字的那一份独属于圣诞的欣喜和愉悦。在这里我也祝愿正在收听节目的你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!在寒冷的冬日也能找到一份舒适的温暖 。little tree《小树》作者:e.e. cummingslittle treelittle silent Christmas treeyou are so littleyou are more like a flower小树沉默的小圣诞树你是如此渺小你更像一朵花who found you in the green forestand were you very sorry to come away?see i will comfort youbecause you smell so sweetly谁在绿色森林中发现了你你很遗憾离开吗?看,我会安慰你的因为你的气味如此甜美i will kiss your cool barkand hug you safe and tightjust as your mother would,only don’t be afraid我会亲吻你清凉的树皮紧紧拥抱你就像你妈妈一样只是不要害怕look the spanglesthat sleep all the year in a dark boxdreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,看看那些终年沉睡在黑暗的盒子里梦想着被拿出来闪耀、金色和红色的小球,蓬松的丝线、put up your little armsand i’ll give them all to you to hold.every finger shall have its ringand there won’t be a single place dark or unhappy举起你的小手我就把它们都给你拿着。每个手指都有戒指没有一个地方是黑暗或不快乐的then when you’re quite dressedyou’ll stand in the window for everyone to seeand how they’ll stare!oh but you’ll be very proud当你穿戴整齐你会站在橱窗里让所有人看到他们会目不转睛哦,但你会非常自豪and my little sister and i will take handsand looking up at our beautiful treewe’ll dance and sing“Noel Noel”我和妹妹手牵手仰望我们美丽的树我们会边跳边唱"诺埃尔 诺埃尔"备注Noel: a word for ‘Christmas’ used especially in songs or on cards 圣诞节(尤用于歌曲和贺卡), 例:Joyful Noel 快乐的圣诞节作者介绍爱德华·埃斯特林·卡明斯(Edward Estlin Cummings)(1894-1962年),美国诗人。他的诗作大都没有标点和大写字母。他也经常将自己的名字写“e.e.cummings”。他还擅长创造不同寻常的排字效果和词语组合,经常使用俚语和爵士乐的韵律。卡明斯出生在马萨诸塞州的坎布里奇。1915年毕业于哈佛大学,之后参加一战,加入法国的一支救护队。他被无端指责有通敌叛国之嫌,有几个月被法国政府关进集中营。这次经历为他日后创作小说《巨大的房间》(The Enormous Room)(1922年)提供了素材。诚寻访谈对象:美文的听众你们好,我是严喆,在高校做访问学者,正在进行一项生育保险制度/政策的学术研究,主要目的是想了解女性在生育过程中遇到的问题及获得的支持。现征询符合如下特征的受访人。访谈时长为0.5-1个小时。非常感谢您的关注!1. 如果您正在备孕/怀孕/已生产(小孩最好3周岁以内)2. 如果您是上述女性的配偶或伴侣3. 如果您认识的家人朋友当中包含了上述人群4. 如果您对女性生育相关问题有任何想要表述的观点若您符合上述任意类别,请通过微信Heidingsfeld与我取得联系。▎主播介绍严喆:博士,访问学者▎背景音乐Silent NightNoel Noel 后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第509期主播:严喆同行的朋友你好,我是严喆。好久好久不见,正在收听节目的你最近都还好吗?今天的节目里我想和大家分享一首诗 Remember 是由美国本土女诗人,音乐家,剧作家Joy Harjo创作的。Joy通过这首诗阐释了人和万物生灵亲密无间的关系,语言清新易懂,蕴意却深长。想跟大家分享这首诗的初衷也是因为观察到身边的朋友每天都非常忙碌,为了生活而奔波,为了家庭而奋斗,为了自己的理想努力坚持。我想我们能做的就是彼此打气,在这个纷闹喧嚣的世界里找到自己内心的那一方净土,但在这个过程中我们也不要忘了要慢下来,停下来,去听一听鸟鸣,闻一闻花香,摸一摸大树。接下来请在听节目的你试着停下忙碌的脚步,静心下来,我读给你听。Remember《记得》作者:Joy Harjo,翻译:严喆Remember the sky that you were born under,请记住你出生的苍穹know each of the star’s stories.了解每颗星星的故事Remember the moon, know who she is.请记住那明月,知道她是谁Remember the sun’s birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. 请记住那日出,它是时间的起点Remember sundown and the giving away to night.请记住余晖和夜晚的登场Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and breath.请记住你的母亲如何奋力给予你生命和呼吸You are evidence of her life, and her mother’s, and hers.你是她生命的延续,也是她母亲的Remember your father. He is your life, also.请记住你的父亲,他也是你生命的一部分Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earthbrown earth, we are earth.请记住构成你肌肤的土地:红的,黑的,黄的,白的,棕色的,我们与它融为一体Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too. 请记住那些植物,大树,动物,它们也都有自己的族群,家人,和历史Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems.去跟它们说话吧!听听它们有什么要说的,它们就是活着的诗歌Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the origin of this universe.请记住那风,记住她的声音,因为她知道宇宙的起源Remember you are all people and all people are you.请记住你中有我,我中有你Remember you are this universe and this universe is you.请记住你就是这宇宙,这宇宙就是你Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.请记住万物都在移动,在成长,也包括你Remember language comes from this.请记住语言就来源于此Remember the dance language is, that life is.请记住舞动的语言就是生活本真Remember.请记住诚寻访谈对象:美文的听众你们好,我是严喆,在高校做访问学者,正在进行一项生育保险制度/政策的学术研究,主要目的是想了解女性在生育过程中遇到的问题及获得的支持。现征询符合如下特征的受访人。访谈时长为0.5-1个小时。非常感谢您的关注!1. 如果您正在备孕/怀孕/已生产(小孩最好3周岁以内)2. 如果您是上述女性的配偶或伴侣3. 如果您认识的家人朋友当中包含了上述人群4. 如果您对女性生育相关问题有任何想要表述的观点若您符合上述任意类别,请通过微信Heidingsfeld与我取得联系。▎主播介绍严喆:博士,访问学者▎背景音乐轩东 – 碎银几两広橋真紀子 - 愛を感じて后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第508期主播:罗斌各位为你读英语美文的听众朋友大家好,好久不见,我是罗斌,在深圳向你问好。时隔一年,再次做起电台节目,跟大家聊聊天,读读文章,仿佛又一次进入了一个乌托邦世界,不知道电台那头的你这一年过得如何 ?今天和大家分享的话题或许会有些沉重,但可能大多数人,或者身边人,都经历过,或者正在经历着,它就是【抑郁症depression】,根据世界卫生组织统计,全球约10亿人正在遭受精神障碍困扰,中国精神卫生调查显示,我国抑郁症患者人数为9500万,这并不是一个小数字。在第77期节目《走出抑郁 Out of Shadows》中主播Benny也曾经做过一起关于抑郁症的节目,并分享了自己如何走出抑郁的故事,今天的节目里,我想继续为大家分享的一篇文章,是出自马修·约翰斯通Matthew Johnstone的治愈绘本作品I Have A Black Dog, 《我有一只黑狗》,而这只黑狗就是抑郁症。马修.约翰斯通曾是一名抑郁症患者,他用极其触动人心的洞察力和细腻柔软的笔触,让世人了解到与一只“黑狗”作伴是什么感觉,描绘了他如何与“黑狗”搏斗、向“黑狗”屈服到与“黑狗”和解、驾驭“黑狗”的心路历程。绘本一经出版便大受欢迎,引发了读者深度共鸣。今天,我把它分享给你,希望能够带给你些许力量和启发,去面对这只黑狗。I Have A Black Dog《我有一只黑狗》作者 Matthew Johnstone翻译:中国日报双语新闻I had a black dog. His name was Depression. Whenever the black dog made an appearance, I felt empty and life just seemed to slow down. He could surprise me with the visit for no reason or occasion. The back dog could make me look and feel older than my years.我有一条黑狗,它名叫抑郁。黑狗一来,我就会感到空虚,生活百无聊赖。它会无缘无故突然造访,让我看起来,感觉起来,都像个老人。When the rest of the world seemed to be enjoying life, I could only see it through the black dog. Activities that usually brought me pleasure suddenly ceased to. He liked to ruin my appetite. He chewed up my memory and my ability to concentrate. Doing anything or going anywhere with black dog required super human strength.其他人在享受生活时,而我却只能和黑狗相伴,那些曾带给我快乐的事也提不起我的兴趣。它让我丧失食欲,蚕食我的记忆力,让我无法集中精神。拖着这条黑狗,我就什么事都不想做,哪里也不想去。At social occasions, he would sniff out what confidence I had and chase it away. My biggest fear was being found out; I worried that people judge me. Because of the shame and stigma of the black dog, I was constantly worried about being found out.社交场合里,它会驱走我残存的自信我最害怕的是被人知道,担心别人说三道四,黑狗带来的羞愧和耻辱,让我时刻担心会被发现。So I invested a vast amount of energy into covering him up. Keeping up an emotional life is exhausting! Black dog could make me think and say negative things. He could make me irritable and difficult to be around. He would take my love and bury my intimacy. 因此我竭力掩盖,掩藏情绪的生活,让人精疲力竭黑狗让我消极地思考和言谈,它让我喜怒无常,难以相处,它夺走了我的爱,埋藏了温情。He loved nothing more than to wake me up with highly reparative negative thinking. He also liked to remind me how exhausted I was going to be the next day.它最爱在半夜把我唤醒,心中只有那些消极地念头,它还提醒着我将会面对对么心力交瘁的一天。Having a black dog in your life isn’t so much about feeling a bit down, sad or blue...at its worst it’s about being devoid of feeling altogether. 生活中黑狗的跟随,不仅是些许失落,感伤,忧郁,最糟糕时,我根本已毫无知觉。As I got older, the black dog got bigger and he started hanging around all the time. I'd chase him off with whatever I thought might send him running. But more often than not he'd come out on top. Going down became easier than getting up again. 我一天天老区,黑狗一点点长大,他开始时刻不离我的左右,我试图捡起家伙,想尽办法驱赶它,但获胜的往往是它,和重新站起来相比,躺倒变得更容易。The black dog had finally succeeded in hijacking my life. When you lose all joy in life, you can begin to question what the point of it is.黑狗终于劫走了我的生活,当生活不再有丝毫快乐,你便开始怀疑生命的意义。Thankfully, this was the time that I sought professional help. This was my first step towards recovery and a major turning point in my life; I learnt that it doesn’t matter who you are the black dog affects millions and millions of people; it is an equal opportunity mongrel.幸运的是,起就此打住,转而寻求专业帮助,那是我迈向康复的第一步,也是我人生的一大转折点我知道了,不管你是谁,无数人都会被它袭击,谁都可能在其阴影下生活。I also learnt that there was no silver bullet or magic pill. Medication can help some and others might need a different approach altogether. I also learnt that being emotionally genuine and authentic to those who are close to you, can be an absolute game changer.我还得知,没有什么灵丹妙药,药物对有些人有效,另一些人则需要完全不同的疗法,我还了解到,向亲近的人说出自己的真实感情,能起到关键的疗效。Most importantly, I learnt not to be afraid of the black dog and I taught him a few new tricks of my own. The more tired and stressed you are the louder he barks, so it's important to learn how to quiet your mind.最重要的是,我学会不再惧怕黑狗,甚至向它耍了一些自己的花招,你越疲劳,越紧张,黑狗就叫的越凶,所以学会让自己平静下来很重要。It is clinically proven that regular exercise can be as effective in mild to moderate depression as antidepressant drugs. So go for a walk or run and leave the mutt behind.临床试验证明,对缓解轻度和中度抑郁症,经常锻炼可以向吃药一样有效,所以去走走,去跑步吧,把那条笨狗甩开。Keeping a mood journal or getting your thoughts on paper can be cathartic and often insightful. Also keep track of the things you have to be grateful for.坚持写日记,把想法写下来是一种宣泄,有助于看清问题,当然,别忘了记下值得感恩的事。The most important thing to remember is that no matter how bad it gets, if you take the right steps, talk to the right people, black dog days can and will pass.最重要的是,记住,无论情况多糟,只要你用对方法,找到合适的人求助,被黑狗笼罩的日子,一定会过去。I wouldn't say that I am grateful for the black dog. But he has been an incredible teacher. He forced me to re-evaluate and simplify my life. I learnt that rather than running away from my problems, it is better to embrace them.我不会说我感谢这条黑狗,但它确实是个神奇的老师,它迫使我反思生活,活得简单点,我认识到,尤其逃避问题,还不如直接面对它,黑狗或许将永远是我生命的一部分,但它再不会是以前的那只野兽了。我们达成了理解。我知道了,学习知识,耐心,自律和幽默,再凶狠的黑狗也可以被制伏。The black dog may always be a part of my life. But he would never be the beast that it was. We have an understanding. I've learnt through knowledge, patience, discipline and humour, the worst black dog can be made to heel.黑狗或许永远会是我生命的一部分,但它不再是那只凶猛的野兽,我们达成了理解。我了解到,通过知识,耐心,克制和幽默,再凶猛的黑狗也能被制服。If you are in difficulty, never be afraid to ask for help. There is absolutely no shame in doing so; the only shame is missing out of life.如果你也陷入了困境,一定不要害怕求助,这并不是什么丢人的事,只有错过生活才是最大的遗憾。每个人都或多或少有抑郁的情绪,就如作者说的,这条黑狗或许永远都会成为我们生命的一部分,如果正在收听节目的你,察觉到了身边的黑狗很大,那么我想告诉你的是,承认它的存在和强大并不是羞耻的事情,重要的是学会面对它,理解它,拥抱它,让自身变得积极强大,总有一天,这只黑狗会被我们驯服,而与它相处的过程,也终将我们成为人生中一笔宝贵的经历和财富。各位听众朋友们,本期的节目就到这里,我是罗斌,我们下期再会。▎主播介绍罗斌:毕业于广东海洋大学,现在在深圳工作▎背景音乐1. 小松原俊 - Love Song2. Moon River- Wayne Gratz3. 星尘 - 温野后期制作:罗斌文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第507期主播:雲昊The Endless《漫长的》作者:班宇,翻译:ChatGPT 3.5Snap your fingers, he said,Let's make a resonating snap,distant things will shatter,the people before us are still unaware.打个响指吧,他说我们打个共鸣的响指遥远的事物将被震碎面前的人们此时尚不知情Whistle, I said,You, whistle a slanted tunelike iron, then a needle,the magnetic arc brushes the green glass.吹个口哨吧,我说你来吹个斜斜的口哨像一块铁然后是一枚针磁极的弧线拂过绿玻璃Have a sip of water, and glance at the river,calm in its tranquility, turbulent in its storm,we miss a step,a tiny tear drops on the stone,it won’t dry up for a long time.喝一杯水吧,也看一看河在平静时平静,不平静时我们就错过了一层台阶一小颗眼泪滴在石头上很长时间也不会干涸The whole season encases it in amber,flowing in chunks, specific radiance,behind it, distant things reside.整个季节将它结成了琥珀块状的流淌,具体的光芒在它身后是些遥远的事物世间小人物的命运,在《漫长的季节》中浮浮沉沉。他们没有什么人生大事要实现,也不是要做什么成功之路的主角,只不过在悲哀的磅秤上大家拥有同样的分量。唯一公平的是,不管失去至亲还是被霸凌、被侵害,当秋日爽朗的天空有一片明媚的阳光出现,它会照耀所有人,为他们带来片刻抚慰,仿佛某一刻美好会凝固为永恒。时代的琥珀里,最珍贵最动人的部分,是真情与道义的坚守,是历尽千帆、问心无愧后的“往前看,别回头”。▎背景音乐丁可《忧郁的天空下》姜育恒《再回首》▎主播介绍雲昊:博士后,大学教师后期制作:雲昊文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是:“为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第506期 主播:Susie大家好,我是Susie,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。这些天来,各类战争新闻、消息报导不断,让人扼腕叹息的同时,也深深感到这个世界并不太平,战争其实离我们并没有那么遥远。对普通人来说,战争永远是残酷的,那是一种长久的伤痛,这种伤痛会跨越时间、空间,甚至跨越世代。今天想要和大家分享的,是来自叶芝的一首诗——《一个爱尔兰飞行员预见他的死亡》。这首诗的主角是罗伯特·格雷戈里(Robert Gregory, 1881-1918),叶芝写了四首关于他的诗,其中三首是挽歌。格雷戈里是叶芝一位密友的独子,他战死于第一次世界大战。在战争中,他所驾驶的飞机不幸被“友军的炮火”击落。这首诗设定在格雷戈里去世前的那个时刻,诗人以大胆的姿态附身于格雷戈里,试图借由飞行员的独白,解释他能够预见危险、却依然这么做的缘由。死神也许随时会降临,年轻的飞行员别无选择,尽管害怕,尽管留恋,他们也不得不假装坦然接受死亡、抱着活着回来的信念赴死而战。An Irish Airman Foresees His Death《一个爱尔兰飞行员预见他的死亡》作者: W.B YeatsI know that I shall meet my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; 我清楚我将邂逅宿命在某个云深高处;Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love; 我与交战者并无怨恨,对所捍卫者亦无爱恋;My county is Kiltartan Cross, My countrymen Kiltartan's poor, 我的故乡在基尔塔坦,那里的穷人是我的同胞,No likely end could bring them loss Or leave them happier than before. 输赢于他们并无损减,也不会使他们生活更好。Nor law, nor duty bade me fight, Nor public men, nor cheering crowds, 我不为律法、不为职责而战,也不为领袖和欢呼的民众,A lonely impulse of delight Drove to this tumult in the clouds; 独有的一念兴起驱我卷入这喧嚣的云雾;I balanced all, brought all to mind, The years to come seemed waste of breath, 我回想一切,在心中权衡,将来的岁月似毫无意义,A waste of breath the years behind In balance with this life, this death.毫无意义的是身后经年,在这生死瞬间 二者轻重同一。战争是一面镜子,它能够让我们更好地认识和平的可贵。我们应该庆幸,我们身处于一个相对和平、稳定的社会,更应该感恩和珍惜我们现在所拥有的一切,认真去对待每一天,好好地生活。今天的节目就到这里,感谢聆听,我们下期再见。▎背景音乐电影《太极旗飘扬》BGM▎主播介绍Susie: 毕业于美国杜兰大学,现居杭州,从事审计工作文案:Susie, 后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第505期 主播:永清Hello,好久不见,我是永清,欢迎收听为你读英语美文,我在家乡云南蒙自向你问好。最近,秋天带来阵阵凉意,石榴树上挂满了果子,釉质的外皮闪着柔和的光。记得几天前它们还都是绿色的,不知何时就红了脸,秋天,赋予了石榴最甜美的滋味。站在石榴树下,我想起了英国诗人济慈的作品《秋颂》。1819年的秋天,济慈漫步于田野,秋高气爽,刚收割过的田地温暖明亮,诗人感到心旷神怡,于是有了这首诗。To Autumn 《秋颂》节选作者:John Keats,译者:查良铮Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,雾气洋溢,果实圆熟的秋,你和成熟的太阳成为友伴;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;你们密谋用累累的珠球,缀满茅檐下的葡萄藤蔓;To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;使屋前的老树背负着苹果,让熟味透进果实的心中,To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shellsWith a sweet kernel; to set budding more,使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳,好塞进甜核;又为了蜜蜂And still more, later flowers for the bees,Until they think warm days will never cease,For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.一次一次开放过迟的花朵,使它们以为日子将永远暖和,因为夏季早填满它们黏巢。石榴园的石榴树是姐夫母亲40多年前种下的,当时的小树苗已经成长为大树,虽然姐夫的母亲已过世多年,石榴依旧硕果累累,滋养着后人。从春天的花朵,到夏天结果,秋天成熟,既有果农的辛劳,大自然也把熟味透进果实的心中。看着一颗颗果实,我有一种踏实感。春耕,夏长,秋收,冬藏。这是大自然的规律,也是我们做事的规律,一棵石榴树从种下到收获果实需要好几年的时间;为什么我们刚投入,就迫切地想要得到成果呢?其实,无论工作,读书,投资,锻炼身体,做节目…任何长期主义的事,我们都要做好过程,这个过程可能曲折又漫长,我们需要耐心,需要坚持,需要接纳和拥抱这个过程。我们能控制的只有过程,至于结果,存在很多不确定因素,我们无法控制,但我相信有好的过程,结果自然也不会太差,哪怕结果差强人意,我们尽力了也不会有太多遗憾。如愿,则喜;不如意,则获经历。梭罗说:“The value of any experience is measured, of course, not by the amount of money, but the amount of development we get out of it. 衡量任何一项活动的价值都不能凭它最后盈利多少,而应该看从中得到多少长进。”总是播种,常常期待,有时收获。这里是为你读英语美文,我是永清,我们下期再会。▎背景音乐Goldmund - The Wind Wings広橋真紀子 - cocoro▎主播介绍永清: 毕业于西安外国语大学,现居云南和北京后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第504期 主播:永清Part 1. 纪录片永志从来不敢在下课时间去上厕所,因为有些同学总是笑他娘娘腔,趁他上厕所时,强脱他的裤子检查他是不是女生。2000年4月20日,15岁的永志在下课前五分钟离开教室去上厕所,结果被发现倒卧血泊中,送医后仍不治过世。校方在未报案情况下,迳自将厕所血迹洗掉。经过六年上诉,法院改判学校三名主管业务过失致死罪。Part 2.《玫瑰少年》亲爱的朋友你好,我是永清,欢迎收听为你读英语美文,刚才你听到的是玫瑰少年叶永志的故事,原声出自《玫瑰少年》的纪录片。永志因为女性化,被老师说不正常,让妈妈带去看心理医生,心理医生对永志的妈妈说:“如果觉得他这样不正常的人,他本身就不正常。” 后来,永志被同学霸凌致死,年仅15岁。我是哭着看完纪录片的,永志的经历我非常感同身受,我小学的时候也有些娘,被同学骂“人妖”,“妖童”,“大姨娘”,被同学栽赃,被邻居的孩子欺负,甚至莫名其妙地被打。这样的经历一直持续到青春期,我变得没有那么娘了,我考上了高中去了尖子班,而欺负我的同学都没有考上,才慢慢好起来。这让我明白,欺负和自己不一样和看起来好欺负的人,是人的本性;不欺负才是教养。也让我明白,教育系统的筛选功能很强大,努力学习,不仅能改变自己的命运,还能筛选掉身边的人渣。曾经,我作为某种少数被人欺负,这样让我更有同理心,去包容和接纳和自己不一样的人。曾经,我因为弱小被人欺负,现在,我长大了,我依旧和大多数人不一样,但谁也别想再欺负我。蔡依林的《玫瑰少年》让我们知道叶永志的故事,“永志不忘记念,往事不如烟。生而为人无罪,你不需要抱歉。”Can someone tell me who decides our body?Cause this body ain’t me, Got my soul in Purgatory. Everybody hurting and talkingBut it's only lust we're creatingNo, you ain't guiltyThis is how the world isEverything you could beAin't no room for "sorry"One day I could be youBaby boy, you could be meWhen the world is screamingJust shut up and hold meI wish that I could hug youTill you really really be freeDiversity shows our true beautyEven if the world cuts you deepBest revenge is serenityAnd nobody can set yourself freeBut whoever you want to beI'll love you, unconditionally.谁把谁的灵魂,装进谁的身体?谁把谁的身体变成囹圄囚禁自己?乱世总是最不缺耳语哪种美丽会唤来妒忌你并没有罪,有罪是这世界生而为人无罪,你不需要抱歉喧哗如果不停,让我陪你安静哪朵玫瑰没有荆棘?最好的报复是美丽最美的盛开是反击别让谁去改变了你你是你或是妳都行会有人全心的爱你作词:蔡依林,阿信,英文版:Mitch JosephPart 3. 结语《玫瑰少年》获得第30届金曲奖年度歌曲。在获奖时,蔡依林说:“叶永志提醒了我,在任何情况我都可能成为某种少数,所以我更要用同理心,去爱任何我身边的人。这首歌献给所有曾经认为自己完全没有机会、没有选择的你,你一定要记得选择你自己,支持你自己。”关于这首歌,蔡依林还说过:“其实,包括我自己在内,从小到大,我们都在寻找大家的认同;这社会认同我吗?老师认同我吗?我的朋友认同我吗?我的家人认同我吗?然后,我们被教育著什么叫正常,什么是对的。但是,很少被教育我们要有一颗包容心,学会接纳。先从接纳自己开始,然后,接纳所有的可能性,也许,发生在你身边很特别的事情,不代表你是很奇怪的,当你有对象可以倾诉的时候,那是你开始接纳你自己的那一刻。我相信永志在跟妈妈说他在学校发生的事的时候,他其实也在怀疑自己。所以他的故事也希望鼓励大家,多一份包容心,先认同你自己,也许你真的不一样,但是,那又怎样。当你懂自己而且不为别人活的时候,就可以伸出手帮助身边的人。”▎背景音乐假如爱有天意蔡依林-玫瑰少年▎主播介绍永清: 毕业于西安外国语大学后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第503期主播:永清亲爱的朋友,你好,我是永清,在北京向你问好,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。最近,我在读史铁生的《病隙碎笔》,在他的文字里,我感受到了史铁生面对人生时的通透和豁达,也感受到了他面对疾病时的坦然和力量。 21岁时,史铁生双腿瘫痪,后来又患肾病,再后来发展到尿毒症,靠着每周3次透析维持生命。2010年12月31日,史铁生因突发脑溢血逝世,享年59岁。有一回记者问到史铁生的职业,史铁生说:“我的职业是生病,业余写一点东西。”《病隙碎笔》就是他在身患尿毒症、接受透析的间隙里开始创作的,是他充满深刻体验的人生笔记。关于生病,他这样写道:《病隙碎笔》节选作者:史铁生,翻译:永清,Vicinte生病也是生活体验之一种,甚或算得一项别开生面的游历。这游历当然是有风险,但去大河上漂流就安全吗?Being sick is also a life experience, or even a unique journey. Of course, this journey is very risky, but is it perfectly safe to go rafting on a river?不同的是,漂流可以事先做些准备,生病通常猝不及防;漂流是自觉的勇猛,生病是被迫的抵抗;漂流,成败都有一份光荣,生病却始终不便夸耀。The difference is that rafting can be prepared in advance, while being sick is usually unexpected. Rafting is self-motivated bravery, while being sick is forced resistance; Rafting is honorable no matter you succeed or not, while being sick is not something to be proud of. 不过,但凡游历总有酬报:异地他乡增长见识,名山大川陶冶性情,激流险阻锤炼意志,生病的经验是一步步懂得满足。However, there are always rewards for adventures: traveling broadens horizon, visiting well-known mountains and rivers molds temperament, sailing through currents and obstacles steels will. Being sick will teach you to be content gradually. 发烧了,才知道不发烧的日子多么清爽。You will not realize how refreshing the days are until you get a fever.咳嗽了,才体会不咳嗽的嗓子多么安详。You will not realize how calm you feel until you get a cough.刚坐上轮椅时,我老想,不能直立行走岂非把人的特点搞丢了?便觉天昏地暗。When I first sat in wheelchair, I couldn't help thinking, ' Will I lose part of human characteristics because I can't walk upright?' I felt like the doomsday.等到又生出褥疮,一连数日只能歪七扭八地躺着,才看见端坐的日子其实多么晴朗。It wasn't until I developed bedsores and could only lie awkwardly for many days that I realized how fair the days of sitting upright were.后来又患尿毒症,经常昏昏然不能思想,就更加怀恋起往日时光。Later, I got uremia and often felt too dizzy to think, then I miss the old days more. 终于醒悟:其实每时每刻我们都是幸运的,因为任何灾难的前面都可能再加一个“更”字。Finally it occurred to me that: in fact, we are blessed all the time, because any disaster may be preceded by the word ‘more'.我想,我们都会和史铁生有同病相怜的时刻,因为生老病死是每个人必经的游历。我在急性阑尾炎爆发的时候,疼到觉得人间不值得,才知道肚子不疼的日子是多么清爽;我在新冠首阳后,咳到天昏地暗,才体会到不咳嗽的嗓子是多么安详。病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。我们在生病的时候,才会意识到,原来身体安康,就已经是莫大的幸福;也才会意识到健康是1,其它的都是后面的0,1没有了,就什么都没有了。人一辈子,可以换车,可以换房,但唯独陪伴我们一生的,带我们游历人间的是我们的身体。我想邀请你和我一起闭上眼睛,默念:“谢谢你,我的身体;我会好好照顾你,我的身体。” 愿我们平安,愿我们健康,愿我们幸福。▎背景音乐ゴンチチ - やくそくゴンチチ - Floating Bell▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第502期 主播:永清《爱莲说》The Language of Flowers水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;Lovers of flowering plants and shrubs we have had by scores, but Tao Yüan-ming alone devoted himself to the chrysanthemum. Since the opening days of the Tang dynasty, it has been fashionable to admire the peony;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。but my favourite is the water-lily. How stainless it rises from its slimy bed! How modestly it reposes on the clear pool – an emblem of purity and truth! Symmetrically perfect, its subtle perfume is wafted far and wide, while there it rests in spotless state, something to be regarded reverently from a distance, and not be profaned by familiar approach.予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。In my opinion, the chrysanthemum is the flower of retirement and culture; the peony, the flower of rank and wealth; the water-lily, the Lady Virtue.噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人?牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。Alas; few have loved the chrysanthemum since Tao Yüan-ming; and none now love the water-lily like myself; whereas the peony is a general favourite with all mankind.▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第501期 主播:永清2023年7月5日晚上,朋友和我说:“李玟去世了。”我第一反应是:“假消息吧?”,然后上网去查,李玟真的离开了我们,感到难以置信,非常震惊和惋惜。这几天,一直在循环播放Coco的歌,仿佛她还在一样。 在Coco爽朗的笑声中,我们一听她的歌就有好心情,像夏天吃着冰淇淋。在《刀马旦》中,Coco是华裔姑娘,耍花枪,比谁都漂亮,刀马旦身段,演出风靡全场。在《月光爱人》中,Coco化身月光女神,唱着:“爱人心,沉入海,带我去,把它找回来”在《答案》中,Coco告诉我们:“爱活在心上,不受谁的决定改变方向,你真爱过,这就是答案。”在《颜色》中,Coco大声宣布:“不管你的脸是哪种颜色,黑白或泛黄,像亲人一样。不管你的妆是什么颜色,只要心够真,就值得被欣赏。”在《自己》中,也在生活中,Coco活得越来越像爱的自己,心中的自己,每一秒都愿意,为爱放手去追寻,去珍惜。在《战歌》中,Coco化身女战士,和疾病和痛苦斗争,她伤痛过,血泪模糊过,怀疑过,也重新来过。Coco的歌,是她留下的爱,化作星海,相信她已经在未来,转过身,微笑得坦然。仰望天空,我们会记得她来过。Coco仿佛没有走远,我们的眼里,有她的微笑和痛苦;我们的心里,有她说过的故事。Coco,永远活在我们想她的365天。2022年12月31日,Coco在微博写道:“「爱」和「信念」是我最喜欢的两个词,我一直深深的铭记在心中,这两个词,可以让我们来度过这艰难的一年。生活有时并不容易,但是我想用女战士的态度来勇敢的面对生活里面的各种艰难。我们无法控制人生会发生什么,但是我们可以选择自己的态度。力量,勇气和勇敢,是我们面对生活最智慧的态度。2022我终于找到真实的自己,每一天我都感恩,希望在新的一年可以跟大家分享我种种的故事和经历,目的是传达力量,因为如果我能做得到,你也一定能做得到! 亲爱的, 勇敢去做真正的你,因为你是独一无二的,我爱你们!”我们也要和Coco一样,做充满爱和信念的人,做真实的自己,继续听她的歌,把爱和力量传递给更多人,她就一直活在我们心里,也是对她最好的纪念方式。节目的最后,想分享一首Coco读过的英文诗《她就像一株白玫瑰》,我跟着她读了很多遍,也做成了一期节目。在我心里,Coco就像这株白玫瑰,阳光雨露赋予她生长的力量,也赋予她温暖的心。愿我们即使身处暗夜,也自有一种黎明在心底。《她就像一株白玫瑰》作者:Cecil·Day·Lewis,翻译:黄杲炘Now she is like the white tree-rose她呀,就像是一株白玫瑰That takes a blessing from the sun:现在承受着太阳的祝福Summer has filled her veins with light,夏日使她血管里充满光And her warm heart is washed with noon.她温暖的心受午间洗沐Or as a poplar, ceaselessly要不然就像棵风中白杨Gives a soft answer to the wind:不停地轻声给风儿回音Cool on the light her leaves lie sleeping,她的叶睡在凉凉清光中Folding a column of sweet sound.围着充满着妙音的树身Powder the stars. Forbid the night粉碎掉星星,别让夜很快To wear those brilliants for a brooch把这些钻石胸针都佩上So soon, dark death, you may close down黑暗的死神,你能封闭掉The mines that made this beauty rich.使这美色更富丽的矿藏Her thoughts are pleiads, stooping low她的思想是星团,低照着O’er glades where nightingale has flown:夜莺已飞离的林中空地And like the luminous night around her就像她周围发亮的夜色She has at heart a certain dawn.她自有一种黎明在心底▎背景音乐想你的365天▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第500期 主播:永清亲爱的朋友,你好,我是永清,欢迎收听为你读英语美文,我在盛夏的北京向你问好。今天,我要为你读的是英国诗人约翰· 济慈的一首十四行诗Oh! How I Love, On A Fair Summer's Eve,写于1816年,让我们展开诗歌的翅膀高飞,在这一个美丽的夏夜。 P.S. 不知不觉,为你读英语美文500期了,每周1期,将近10年了。很多人加入过,很多人离开了,很多人听过,很多人不再听了。对我来说,似乎经历了很多,也似乎依旧如第一次做节目一样,寻找自己喜欢的题材,写下自己的感悟,独自练习和录音。节目记录了我这十年来的成长,也让我遇见了很多可爱的人,读了很多影响我一辈子的文字。做节目本身已经足够享受,如果有人喜欢和收听,内心充满感谢;没有人听也没关系,我也会一直做下去,不为别的,只为自己。Oh! How I Love, On A Fair Summer's Eve《啊!我真爱-在一个美丽的夏夜》作者:John Keats,翻译:屠岸Oh! how I love, on a fair summer's eve, When streams of light pour down the golden west, And on the balmy zephyrs tranquil rest The silver clouds, far -- far away to leave 啊!我真爱——在一个美丽的夏夜,当霞光注向金灿的西天长空,银亮的白云静倚着温馨的西风——我真愿远远地、远远地抛开一切All meaner thoughts, and take a sweet reprieve From little cares; to find, with easy quest, A fragrant wild, with Nature's beauty drest, And there into delight my soul deceive. 鄙吝的念头,向小忧小怨告别,把愁结暂解;优游地寻访追踪,芬芳的花野,美丽的造化天工,在那里把灵魂诱向忘情的喜悦。There warm my breast with patriotic lore, Musing on Milton's fate -- on Sydney's bier Till their stern forms before my mind arise: 在那里叫忠肝义胆暖我的心胸,思念弥尔顿的命运,锡德尼的灵柩。让他们刚正的形象立在我心中:Perhaps on wing of Poesy upsoar, Full often dropping a delicious tear, When some melodious sorrow spells mine eyes.也许我展开诗歌的翅膀高飞,当悠扬的哀愁蛊惑我眼睛的时候,我会一次次掉下甘美的泪水。▎背景音乐舒曼-梦幻曲▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第499期 主播:永清亲爱的朋友,你好,我是永清,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。最近的北京,夏日炎炎,只有清晨有一丝凉意,我喜欢晨间到公园散步,高大的国槐和白杨树遮天蔽日,翠绿的小草恣意生长,林间的云雀轻声吟唱,耳机里听着这首爱尔兰民歌The Lark in the Clear Air,与眼前的情景心心相印,心也随之飞翔起来。The Lark in the Clear Air的歌词是爱尔兰诗人Samuel Ferguson于1850年创作的一首诗歌,后来被谱成歌曲流传下来。诗歌描绘了青空之中,云雀欢乐地歌唱,我心中的爱意也随之涌动,明天,我就要向心爱的人表白,我的心欢欣雀跃,因为我知道他不会对我说不。The Lark in the Clear Air作者:Samuel FergusonDear thoughts are in my mindAnd my soul soars enchantedAs I hear the sweet lark singIn the clear air of the dayFor a tender beaming smileTo my hope has been grantedAnd tomorrow he shall hearAll my fond heart would sayI will tell him all my loveAll my soul's adorationAnd I know he will hear my voiceand he will not say me nayIt's this that gives my soulall its joyous elationAs I hear the sweet lark singIn the clear air of the day我尝试着翻译了这首诗歌,接下来和你分享中文版。《青空中的云雀》翻译:永清当我听到云雀在青空甜美地歌唱时甜蜜的思绪在我心间萦绕我的灵魂沉醉地随之飞翔只需一个温柔灿烂的微笑我的愿望就得以实现明天他会听到我心中的爱意我会告诉他我所有的爱意和来自灵魂的崇拜我知道他会听到我的心声他不会对我说不当我听到云雀在青空甜美地歌唱时我的灵魂欢欣雀跃在这个充满爱的季节里,愿所有人都爱着和被爱着,也愿天下有情人终成眷属。我是永清,我们下期再会。▎背景音乐The Lark in the Clear Air▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第498期 主播:永清封面介绍《沉睡的吉普赛人》是法国后印象派画家亨利·卢梭于1897年在法国创作的一幅油画,是卢梭的代表作之一,现藏纽约现代艺术博物馆。卢梭曾这样描绘这幅作品:“一个飘泊中的黑人女子、一个曼陀铃的演奏者,在疲倦中沉沉地睡去,她的罐子(一只盛水的瓶子)就放在身边。狮子恰巧路过,嗅到了她的气味,却没有贪婪地把她吞掉。月色朦胧,充满了诗的意境。四周是一片毫无生气的沙漠,而这个吉普赛人一身东方装束。”亲爱的朋友,你好,我是永清,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。你听到的歌声来自意大利歌唱家塞西莉亚·芭托莉Cecilia Bartoli,她演唱的是意大利作曲家贝利尼Bellini创作的一首表达爱意的抒情歌曲《游移的月亮》Vaga Luna Che Inargenti,歌曲旋律犹如月光倾泻,令人沉醉于月色花影中。如歌的行板犹如一首清新的小诗,让人置身于宁静而又祥和的天籁之中。英文版Beautiful Silvery MoonBeautiful moon, dappling with silverThese banks and flowers,Evoking from the elementsThe language of loveOnly you are witnessTo my ardent desire;Go tell her, tell my belovedHow much I long for her and sigh.Tell her that with her so far away,My grief can never be allayed,That the only hope I cherishIs for my future to be spent with her.Tell her that day and nightI count the hours of my yearning,That hope, a sweet hope beckons,And comforts me in my love.中文版游移的月亮洒下银光,溪畔群花都被照亮,月亮向花朵传递爱的语言,花朵就为爱情散发芳香。只有你才能够理解,我心中的热烈渴望,为了你,亲爱的姑娘,我的心叹息跳荡,如今我们天各一方,无法平息我的悲伤,要问我现在怀有什么期望,就是将来能够欢聚在一堂。你要知道在我的心里,总是对你朝思暮想,只有你,只有你甜蜜的诺言,给予我安慰和希望。意大利语版Vaga luna, che inargentiqueste rive e questi fioried inspiri agli elementiil linguaggio dell'amor;testimonio or sei tu soladel mio fervido desir,ed a lei che m'innamoraconta i palpiti e i sospir.Dille pur che lontananzail mio duol non può lenir,che se nutro una speranza,ella è sol nell'avvenir.Dille pur che giorno e seraconto l'ore del dolor,che una speme lusinghierami conforta nell'amor.作曲家介绍文森佐·贝利尼Vincenzo Bellini,1801-1835,意大利歌剧作家,浪漫主义乐派代表。他短暂的一生共创作了11部歌剧,其中最著名的就有《诺尔玛》、《清教徒》、《梦游女》。他的歌剧富含浪漫主义特色,尤以旋律的清丽婉畅著称,肖邦、威尔第在旋律写作上受其影响。他歌剧中的许多咏叹调,至今仍被奉为“美声唱法”的经典教材。歌唱家介绍塞西莉亚·芭托莉Cecilia Bartoli, 1966年6月4日生,意大利著名歌唱家。通过演绎莫扎特和罗西尼的经典作品而扬名于世。芭托莉同时对巴洛克音乐和古典乐亦有所涉猎。能够演绎女高音和女中音的角色的她被认为是当世最为杰出的次女高音之一。
为你读英语美文·第495期主播:永清,坐标:北京朋友你好,我是永清,我在北京向你问好,欢迎收听为你读英语美文。最近我在读美国诗人沃尔特·惠特曼的作品《自我之歌》。《自我之歌》是《草叶集》的压卷之作,也是《草叶集》中最长的一首诗,全诗分52节,这首诗被誉为“关于自我觉醒,认知和民主意识的壮丽诗篇。”今天我要为你读的是《自我之歌》的前两节,让我们一起走进惠特曼的诗意世界。SONG OF MYSELF《自我之歌》作者:Walt Whiteman第1节I celebrate myself,我赞美我自己,And what I assume you shall assume,我所讲的一切,将对你们也一样适合,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. 因为属于我的每一个原子,也同样属于你。I loafe and invite my soul,我邀请我的灵魂同我一道闲游,I lean and loafe at my ease.... observing a spear of summer grass.我俯首下视,悠闲地观察一片夏天的草叶。第2节Houses and rooms are full of perfumes.... the shelves are crowded with perfumes,屋宇和房间里充满了芳香,框架上也充满了芳香,I breathe the fragrance myself, and know it and like it,我自己呼吸到这种芳香,我知道它,我喜欢它,The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it.这种芬芳的气息,要使我沉醉,但我不让自己沉醉。The atmosphere is not a perfume.... it has no taste of the distillation.... it is odorless,大气并不是一种芳香,它没有熏香之气,它是无嗅的物质,It is for my mouth forever.... I am in love with it,但它永远适宜于我的呼吸,我爱它,I will go to the bank, by the wood and become undisguisedand naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me.我愿意走到林边的河岸上,去掉一切人为的虚饰,赤裸了全身,我疯狂地渴望能这样接触到我自己。The smoke of my own breath,我自己呼出的气息,Echoes, ripples, and buzzed whispers .... loveroot , silkthread , crotch [krɒtʃ] and vine,回声、水声、切切细语、爱根草、合欢树、枝杈和藤蔓,My respiration and inspiration.... the beating of my heart.... the passing of blood and air through my lungs,我的呼气和吸气,我的心的跳动,血液和空气在我的肺里的流动,The sniff of green leaves and dry leaves, and of the shore and dark - colored sea - rocks, and of hay in the barn ,嫩绿的树叶和干黄的树叶,海岸和海边的黝黑的岩石和放在仓房里面的谷草所吐的气息,The sound of the belched words of my voice.... words loosed to the eddies of the wind,我吐出来散布在旋风里的文字的声音,A few light kisses.... a few embraces.... a reaching around of arms, 几次轻吻,几次拥抱,手臂的接触,The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag,在柔软的树枝摇摆着的时候,枝头清光和暗影的嬉戏,The delight alone or in the rush of the streets, or along the fields and hillsides,独自一人时的快乐,或在拥挤的大街上、在田边、在小山旁所感到的快乐,The feeling of health.... the full - noon trill.... the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun.健康之感,正午时候心情的激动,由床上起来为迎接太阳而发出的我的歌声。Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? 你以为一千亩是很多了么?Have you reckoned the earth much?你以为地球是很大了么?Have you practiced so long to learn to read?你已有了长久的练习,学到了读书的能力了么?Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?你在理解了诗歌的意义的时候曾感到非常骄傲么?Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems,和我在一处呆过一日一夜,你就会有了一切诗歌的泉源,You shall possess the good of the earth and sun.... there are millions of suns left,你将会得到大地和太阳的一切美善,还有千万个太阳留在那里,You shall no longer take things at second or third hand.... nor look through the eyes of the dead.... nor feed on the spectres in books,你将不再会间接又间接地去认识事物,也不会通过死人的眼睛去观看一切,也不会以书本里的假象和鬼影作为你的粮食,You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, 你也不会通过我的眼睛观察,从我去获得一切,You shall listen to all sides and filter them for yourself.你将静静地向各方面倾听,经过你自己而滤取它们。最近如果天气不错,我在会起床后,先到公园冥想20分钟,再打20分钟的太极舒展身心,然后会找个安静的地方,晨读惠特曼的《自我之歌》,我尝试着和惠特曼一样,俯首下视,悠闲地观察一片夏天的草叶;呼吸清新的空气;我坐在林间的椅子上,倾听风吹动树叶的沙沙声,鸟儿的切切私语,还有北京这座城市的回声。在风吹过的时候,看到树枝在清光和暗影中嬉戏,感受着独自一人时的快乐。我放慢脚步,安静下来,渴望接触到自己,也渴望去感受身边的世界。别人的经验可以参考,别人的文字可以阅读,但能最直接感受到这个世界的,是我们的眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,皮肤,和我们的心。把感受打开,让自己灵魂沉着而冷静地面对大千世界,我是永清,我们下期再会。▎背景音乐広橋真紀子 - エレクトリカルパレード▎主播介绍永清: 为你读英语美文创始人后期制作:永清文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。
为你读英语美文 · 第494期 The Giving Tree 《爱心树》作者:Shel Silverstein朗读者:DD(旁白,苹果树),Henry(小男孩) Once there was a tree . . .从前有一棵大树,and she loved a little boy.它喜欢上一个小男孩儿。And every day the boy would come男孩儿每天会跑到树下,and he would gather her leaves收集树叶and make them into crowns and play king of the forest.把树叶做成王冠,想像自己就是森林之王。He would climb up her trunk他也常常爬上树干,and swing from her branches在树枝上荡秋千,and eat apples.吃大树结的苹果。And they would play hide-and-go-seek.同大树捉迷藏。And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade.累了的时候,就在树阴里睡觉。And the boy loved the tree . . .小男孩儿爱这棵树……very much.非常非常爱它。And the tree was happy.大树非常快乐。But time went by.但是时光流逝。And the boy grew older.孩子逐渐长大。And the tree was often alone.大树常常感到孤寂。Then one day the boy came to the tree有一天男孩来看大树,and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and climb大树说:“来吧,孩子,up my trunk and swing from my branches爬到我身上来,在树枝上荡秋千,and eat apples and play in my shade吃几个苹果,再到阴凉里玩一会儿。and be happy."你会很开心的!”"I am too big to climb and play," said the boy.“我已经大了,不爱爬树玩儿了,” 孩子说,"I want to buy things and have fun.“我想买些好玩儿的东西。I want some money.我需要些钱,Can you give me some money?"你能给我一点儿钱吗?”"I’m sorry," said the tree, "but I have no money.“很抱歉,”大树说,“我没有钱,I have only leaves and apples.我只有树叶和苹果。Take my apples, Boy, and sell them把我的苹果拿去吧,孩子,把它们拿到城里卖掉,in the city. Then you will have money你就会有钱,and you will be happy."就会开心了。”And so the boy climbed up the于是孩子爬上大树,tree and gathered her apples摘下树上的苹果,and carried them away.把它们拿走了。And the tree was happy.大树很快乐。But the boy stayed away但是孩子没有再来看望大树for a long time . . .过了很久很久……and the tree was sad.大树很难过。And then one day后来有一天,the boy came back男孩又来了,and the tree shook with joy大树高兴地摇晃着肢体,and she said, "Come, Boy,对男孩说:“来吧,孩子,climb up my trunk爬到我的树干上,and swing from my branches在树枝上荡秋千,and be happy."你会很开心的!”"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.“我有很多事要做,没有时间爬树了。”男孩说,"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.“我需要一幢房子保暖。”他接着说,"I want a wife and I want children,“我要娶个妻子,还要生好多孩子,and so I need a house.所以我需要一幢房子。Can you give me a house?"你能给我一幢房子吗?”"I have no house," said the tree.“我没有房子,”大树说,"The forest is my house,“森林就是我的房子。but you may cut off my branches但是你可以把我的树枝砍下来,and build a house.拿去盖房。Then you will be happy."你就会开心了。”And so the boy cut off于是男孩砍掉了her branches大树的树枝and carried them away把它们拿走to build his house.去建了自己的房子。And the tree was happy.大树很开心。But the boy stayed away但是孩子没有再来看望大树,for a long time.过了很久很久……And when he came back,有一天他回来了the tree was so happy大树非常高兴she could hardly speak.高兴的几乎说不出话来。"Come, Boy," she whispered,“来吧,孩子,”她轻声说道,"come and play."“过来玩耍。”"I am too old and sad to play," said the boy.“我又老又悲伤,已经不想玩了。”男孩说。"I want a boat that will“我想要一条小船take me far away带我去远方from here.离开这个地方。Can you give me a boat?"你能给我一条小船吗?”"Cut down my trunk“把我的树干砍掉 ...▎主播介绍DD: 两个孩子的母亲Henry: 8岁后期制作:DD文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。